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Printing industry isometric composition with images of three dimensional printer with computer and software with text vector illustration

3D Printing Classes for Adults

The Questa Public Library is thrilled to announce the introduction of 3D printing classes for adults! Starting this February, these classes offer a unique opportunity for adults in our community to dive into the fascinating world of 3D printing technology.

The classes will be led by the talented and experienced instructor, Michael Barbee. With a wealth of experience teaching robotics and 3D printing classes for children, Michael is now ready to share his expertise with adults.

Barbee is the owner of Sage Consulting, and a resident of Questa. He is a 3D printing enthusiast who built his first 3D printer in 2011. Since then, he has used that printer to create additional 3D printers, drones, robots, and agricultural prototypes.

Michael currently owns four 3D printers, with two operational and the other two undergoing exciting upgrades. He generously donated the 3D printer that will be used for these library classes.

The first session of these classes for adults will be held on Saturday, February 8, and subsequent sessions will continue on the second Saturday of each month. Here’s your opportunity to make that replacement doodad or thingamajig you’ve been wanting. Don’t miss this fantastic chance to learn from one of the best in the field and unlock your creativity. Join us for this incredible journey into the world of 3D printing!

For more information or to sign up, call the Questa Public Library at (575) 586-2032.


  • Questa Creative Council Board member and artist: I paint the Southwest because I love the land! Being raised in the country, I have a strong tie to it. It’s a sense of deep emotions, of memory, and of history. While I am painting, I try to capture the feeling of the place, what is all around me: the smells, what I hear, and what I see – a complete picture. My abstracts represent “My Other Side.” I play with emotions through color, shapes, and energy to make playful compositions.

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