Questa Independent School Report Card Earns Spotlight Status
The Questa Independent Schools Card is available online at
Questa High School Overview
Grades served: 9-12
Questa High School is rated a Spotlight School for the 2023-24 School Year. This school has an overall index score above the 75th percentile and is among the highest-performing schools.
The median growth of students graduating high school has increased by 1.8 percent.
85.2 percent of students participated in overall college and career readiness. 72.9 percent of students regularly attend school.
The total number of students enrolled between grades 9 through 12 are 104.
Questa Jr. High School Overview
Grades served: 7-8
Questa Jr. High School is rated a Spotlight School for the 2023-24 School Year. This school has an overall index score above the 75th percentile and is among the highest-performing schools.
Math proficiency is 15 percent. Reading proficiency is 48 percent. Science proficiency is 46 percent. The median growth of students in math compared to their peers who had similar scores on previous tests is 71st and the median growth of students in reading compared to their peers who had similar scores on previous tests is 60th.
The overall regular attendance rate is 80.9 percent.
Alta Vista Intermediate School Overview
Grades served: 4-6
Math proficiency is less than 5 percent. Reading proficiency is 20 percent. Science proficiency is less than 20 percent. The median growth of students in math compared to their peers who had similar scores on previous tests is 35th and the median growth of students in reading compared to their peers who had similar scores on previous tests is 48th.
The overall regular attendance rate is 75 percent.
Alta Vista Elementary School Overview
Grades served: PK-4
As of print time, this data was not yet available for an overview.
Red River Valley Charter School Report Card Earns Spotlight Status
The Red River Valley Charter School Report Card is available at available online at Red River Valley Charter School is rated a Spotlight School for the 2023-24 School Year. This school has an overall index score above the 75th percentile and is among the highest-performing schools.
Grades served: PK-8
Math proficiency is 10 percent, reading proficiency is 50 percent, and science proficiency is 23 percent.
The median growth of students in math compared to their peers across the state who had similar scores of previous tests is 57th percentile.
The median growth of students in reading compared to their peers across the state who had similar scores of previous tests is 65th percentile.
Red River Valley Charter School is a public charter school and is accepting applications for the 2024-25 school year from now until April 10. The new student lottery for available seats will take place on April 23, 2025.
Roots and Wings School Report Card
The Roots and Wings School Report Card is available online at
Total Enrollment: 53
Reading proficiency is 36% and science proficiency is 36%. The median growth of students in math compared to their peers who had similar scores on previous tests is listed at 35th percentile and reading growth is listed at 69 percentile.