“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
—Martin Luther King, Jr.
As we warmly slide into the month of heat, love and flowers, the month of Leo, we enter into a month of five retrogrades, planets that seem to be going backward. This is an optical illusion since planets cannot reverse their prescribed path around the Sun. But from our geocentric perspective, meaning our perspective from this tiny speck of dust in the Universe we call the Earth, we sometimes see the differing elliptical paths of some of the planets as reversed. From an esoteric viewpoint, retrograding planets are expressing their most spiritual attributes, enabling us to see things differently, to ponder things from a different perspective. During this month when Leo reigns, the sign which rules love, perhaps we can use this time to ponder how much better we could love our fellow humans and try to understand different perspectives.
In esoteric astrology we use the Earth as one of our 12 planets. Since it is always 180 degrees away from the Sun, it is currently in the sign of Aquarius, the sign of humanity. Is it an illusion that humanity and love are separated by 180 degrees or is it simply a constant tension holding the two spheres in place? It’s always been known that this transition into the Age of Aquarius would be an upheaval of differing perspectives, throwing the world into chaos. Before the New World Religion – a religion for ALL – can be created, every value, belief and ideal would be challenged, examined and held up to the light. Sixty-one years after MLK’s memorable speech in August,1963, we can ponder the highest meanings of Leo and retrograding planets. Like Leo’s flowers we can lift our faces and follow the light, love and power of the Sun. This time for reflection encouraged by the retrograding planets could be a great time for reflecting upon perspective and the recognition that that’s really the only Truth.
Everyone: A full, “Leo” blue Moon on August 19 in the sign of Aquarius to ponder.
ARIES Planet: Mercury MARCH 20 – APRIL 19
Dynamic: A time when the Mind and the Heart can work together.
Direction: In thought, word and deed.
Soul Thought: What is the heart brain?
TAURUS Planet: Vulcan APRIL 19 – MAY 20
Dynamic: There is a cause that needs your support.
Direction: Give it a voice.
Soul Thought: How to forge a dream into a reality
GEMINI Planet: Venus MAY 20 – July 20
Dynamic: This could be a strongly spiritual month for you.
Direction: Pray for the world… or meditate.
Soul Thought: Or both.
CANCER Planet: Neptune July 20 – JULY 22
Dynamic: Some things have never seemed so clear, but what is real?
Direction: Examine your perspective.
Soul Thought: Then examine someone else’s.
LEO Planet: Sun JULY 22 – AUG 22
Dynamic: A Leo Sun with Aquarian Moon means…
Direction: Love all the People!
Soul Thought: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” —Declaration of Independence
VIRGO Planet: Moon AUG 22 – SEPT 22
Dynamic: It is a major time of change and you know that better than anyone.
Direction: Use the color, Indigo Blue.
Soul Thought: Love wisely applied, Wisdom lovingly taught – the second Ray.
LIBRA Planet: Uranus SEPT 22 – OCT 22
Dynamic: In a world of opposing views, you could be the fulcrum.
Direction: Find the balance; be the balance.
Soul Thought: “Judge not lest ye be judged.” —Mathew, 7:1-3
SCORPIO Planet: Mars OCT 22 – NOV 21
Dynamic: You have the tools to sort out the Truth.
Direction: Use them.
Soul Thought: What is Truth?
SAGITTARIUS Planet: Earth NOV 21 – DEC 20
Dynamic: All of humanity is affecting you right now.
Direction: Take the highest perspective possible.
Soul Thought: What is the past, the present and the future?
CAPRICORN Planet: Saturn DEC 20 – JAN 19
Dynamic: You may feel a sense of wanting to pull back from it all.
Direction: Is it isolation or a time for deep contemplation?
Soul Thought: Or Initiation.
AQUARIUS Planet: Jupiter JAN 19 – FEB 18
Dynamic: Right now, you can see two sides of every issue very well.
Direction: Be the Observer.
Soul Thought: We need you.
PISCES Planet: Pluto FEB 18 – MAR 20
Dynamic: You are caught in the middle of the conflict.
Direction: Don’t leave; look, listen, love.
Soul Thought: “We cannot walk alone.”— MLK
To discover your Rising Sign, or for more information, contact Charlene R. Johnson,
www.SkyDanceAstrology.com, or email: SkyDance@SkyDanceAstrology.com
Esoteric Astrology is focused on the rising sign more than the sun sign (we suggest you read both)
and provides clarity, direction and answers for those seeking a higher level of life.
Charlene R Johnson is a graduate of Claregate College, a metaphysical college in England and studied directly under teacher Dr. Douglas Baker. She offers oral readings, written reports and teaches classes in both esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology. These classes are for beginners who know nothing of astrology. Use of the glyphs in your chart are considered a form of dialogue with your Soul and a necessary tool in your spiritual toolbox. A former Taos County resident she now lives in central Florida on 6.5 acres on a beautiful lake. This property has recently been dubbed SkyDance Sanctuary and will be the site of classes and special events.
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