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Picture of Charlene R, Johnson

Charlene R, Johnson

Charlene R Johnson is a graduate of Claregate College, a metaphysical college in England and studied directly under teacher Dr. Douglas Baker. She offers oral readings, written reports and teaches classes in both esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology. These classes are for beginners who know nothing of astrology. Use of the glyphs in your chart are considered a form of dialogue with your Soul and a necessary tool in your spiritual toolbox. A former Taos County resident she now lives in central Florida on 6.5 acres on a beautiful lake. This property has recently been dubbed SkyDance Sanctuary and will be the site of classes and special events.

ASTROLOGY: July 2024

PROGRESSIONS and TRANSITS Esoteric astrology examines everything from the perspective of the Soul, the highest purpose as we understand it. For this reason, we esoteric


ASTROLOGY: June 2024

MODERN MEDIA “There is no squabbling so violent as that between people whoaccepted an idea yesterday and those who will accept the same idea tomorrow!”



THE MISSION OF PLUTO “In the midst of darkness, light persists.” —Mahatma Ghandis. We have mentioned in past columns that we are building up to


ASTROLOGY: April 2024

TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” —Carl Jung This month we experience


ASTROLOGY: March 2024

PRECESSION OF THE EQUINOXES “The leading end of physics is catching up to the tail end of metaphysics.” —Dean Radin Mid-March, the Sun leaves the


ASTROLOGY: February 2024

EXTRA! EXTRA! “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” —Neil Armstrong This year, we have an extra day. “Extra” is a


ASTROLOGY: January 2024

The New Renaissance “Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies.” —Bob Dylan “A new Renaissance focused


ASTROLOGY: December 2023

WINTER SOLSTICE “Oh, time is short and the days are sweet and passion rules the arrow that flies.” —Bob Dylan December 22 is our shortest


ASTROLOGY: November 2023

FEELING STUBBORN?! This month we have a strong opposition which doesn’t always exist as strongly as now. Uranus, which lives in a sign approximately seven


ASTROLOGY: October 2023

FROM EQUALITY TO TESTS “We rise by kneeling, we conquer by surrendering; we gain by giving up.” — Labours of Hercules, by Alice Bailey We


ASTROLOGY: September 2023

HER LOVELINESS “A sight for the gods!” –Douglas Baker, Venus in Leo, from the Dictionary of Astrology It’s a busy month, starting out with seven


ASTROLOGY: August 2023

LEO “The true self-expression of Leo is in love — not the passionate, sentimental kind, but pure goodness of heart towards all. We call it


ASTROLOGY: July 2023

ESOTERIC vs ORTHODOX ASTROLOGY “Whatever is born or done in this moment of time, has the qualities of this moment of time.” Carl Jung Occasionally


ASTROLOGY: June 2023

THE BEEHIVE “We must ponder upon these things.” Dr. Douglas Baker As we slide into the lazy, hazy days of summer, Venus and Mars raise



WHO’S THE ENEMY? “Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?” — Abraham Lincoln This month, Jupiter and Pluto gear up


ASTROLOGY: April 2023

A YEAR OF TRANSITION “We need a revolution every 20 years just to keep government honest.” Thomas Jefferson At the end of March Pluto shifted


ASTROLOGY: March 2023

VENUS & JUPITER “The closer one comes to “knowing” spiritual truth, the more one realizes Truth can only be implied for It is the transcendental


ASTROLOGY: February 2023

AQUARIUS “Big Dreams come from the Collective Unconscious.” Carl Jung During this shortest month of the year several planets will be in the sign of


ASTROLOGY: January 2023

VENUS & SATURN “Dispense knowledge, not relief.” Dr. Douglas Baker The closest, naked-eye planetary conjunction of the entire year occurs on January 22 between Venus


ASTROLOGY: December 2022

WINTER SOLSTICE “Fear is contraction, love is expansion.” Matthew Pallamary In the natural horoscope – when all signs and planets are in their own houses