“Man had to learn to know the meaning of love in Pisces and in Aquarius he has to demonstrate that love – brotherly love – in action.”
—Douglas Baker
Last month we discussed – not the dawning which the 5th Dimension announced so well some time back – but the rising of the Age of Aquarius. This month, as we move through the solar month of Pisces, we would be remiss not to discuss the age we leave behind, the Age of Pisces. As Vera Reid states, “With the coming of another age, and the movement of the Sun from the fire-sign of Aries to the water-sign of Pisces, God is presented as a compassionate, loving father, ruling over the Kingdom of Heaven wherein all men are equal. At the same time the sacrificial fires and burnt-offerings of the past were replaced by mystic rites connected with water.”
She goes on to say: “Traditionally Pisces is the Age when the truth is hidden – in other words, the age when life (spirit) descends to the depths and is concealed beneath the waters (emotion) of the earth (physical body). In contemporary religion’s symbolism, baptism and purification by water reflect the mystic idea of cleansing the soul from sin as a preliminary to its awakening at the second birth of the regenerated man.”
While we say goodbye to the age of the fishes, yet we don’t wish to lose the lessons learned (we hope) during that age: the compassionate love of a leader for all people, the shift from a violent, brutal age ruled by passions to an age meant to be ruled by gentleness and acceptance of all who come to seek Truth, regardless of race, gender or social standing. Even as humanity shifts into the air sign of Aquarius when knowledge and understanding become keynotes, we are not meant to leave behind those highest qualities of Pisces: sympathy, sacrifice, idealism and harmlessness. Moving from one age, one sign, to another is meant to be a progression, ever evolving humanity to its highest potential. Here we go!
Everyone: Jupiter finally goes direct again; joy and abundance are available.
ARIES Planet: Mercury MARCH 20 – APRIL 19
Dynamic: Things shift to a more contemplative feel after Valentine’s day.
Direction: Ponder the Piscean qualities mentioned above.
Soul Thought: What can be your sacrifice?
TAURUS Planet: Vulcan APRIL 19 – MAY 20
Dynamic: You may shift from the gift of gab to silence.
Direction: Feel deeply into it.
Soul Thought: Is it absolution?
GEMINI Planet: Venus MAY 20 – July 20
Dynamic: Your time for retreat is over; now it’s time for action.
Direction: Since you lead the way, do it well.
Soul Thought: What does it mean to be a “Shining Example”?
CANCER Planet: Neptune July 20 – JULY 22
Dynamic: You’ve been in this position for some time; others now join you.
Direction: Can you make them into a family?
Soul Thought: The family of man.
LEO Planet: Sun JULY 22 – AUG 22
Dynamic: As the world shifts forward, you take a step back.
Direction: A time to remember.
Soul Thought: For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who do not believe, no words are possible” Ignatius of Loyola
VIRGO Planet: Moon AUG 22 – SEPT 22
Dynamic: This time is when true meaning can come to you.
Direction: Nurture that Divine inner spark!
Soul Thought: What is Christ Consciousness?
LIBRA Planet: Uranus SEPT 22 – OCT 22
Dynamic: Finances may get tense approaching the 11th.
Direction: Determine what is valuable.
Soul Thought: And what is True abundance.
SCORPIO Planet: Mars OCT 22 – NOV 21
Dynamic: You may shift from feeling you have enough to some discomfort.
Direction: Ponder “enough” as it shifts to less.
Soul Thought: Enough what? For whom?
SAGITTARIUS Planet: Earth NOV 21 – DEC 20
Dynamic: As we all ponder the Christ Consciousness of Pisces. . .
Direction: . . .you ponder the meaning of bringing it to life.
Soul Thought: Within.
CAPRICORN Planet: Saturn DEC 20 – JAN 19
Dynamic: You may sense the heavy burden of it all.
Direction: Study the meaning of Christian karma.
Soul Thought: Everything matters. Nothing matters. Everything matters.
AQUARIUS Planet: Jupiter JAN 19 – FEB 18
Dynamic: That uneasy sense of conflict can ease this month.
Direction: Allow the sense of peace to expand instead.
Soul Thought: An attitude of gratitude.
PISCES Planet: Pluto FEB 18 – MAR 20
Dynamic: You are the embodiment of it all; past and present.
Direction: Feel it! Know it!
Soul Thought: “The New Group of World Servers” Lucis Trust
To discover your Rising Sign, or for more information, contact Charlene R. Johnson,
www.SkyDanceAstrology.com, or email: SkyDance@SkyDanceAstrology.com
Esoteric Astrology is focused on the rising sign more than the sun sign (we suggest you read both)
and provides clarity, direction and answers for those seeking a higher level of life.
Charlene R Johnson is a graduate of Claregate College, a metaphysical college in England and studied directly under teacher Dr. Douglas Baker. She offers oral readings, written reports and teaches classes in both esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology. These classes are for beginners who know nothing of astrology. Use of the glyphs in your chart are considered a form of dialogue with your Soul and a necessary tool in your spiritual toolbox. A former Taos County resident she now lives in central Florida on 6.5 acres on a beautiful lake. This property has recently been dubbed SkyDance Sanctuary and will be the site of classes and special events.
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