Taos County Ditches Debate Chevron Dollars
(reprinted from the Taos News with permission) Fifteen northern Taos County acequias are talking about forming a regional ditch association, but one source of startup
(reprinted from the Taos News with permission) Fifteen northern Taos County acequias are talking about forming a regional ditch association, but one source of startup
OPINION EDITORIAL: This Op Ed references the article written and published in the Taos News on Thursday, April 25. The Questa del Rio News obtained
The Questa Independent School District (QISD) Board voted to suspend the current policy regarding interscholastic sports. Superintendent John Maldonado told the Board that they still
Community members gathered in the Village of Questa administration building on July 26 to discuss the prospect of an umbrella association for improved collective representation
The Questa Independent School District (QISD) August 16 board meeting hosted a full room of community members, as concerned residents spoke up about a new
On August 17, two representatives from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) gave a presentation in the local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) headquarters about
Acceptance and approval of the Village of Questa FY2021 audit (Resolution 2022-05), action item tabled.Councilman John Ortega YESCouncilman Brent P. Jaramillo YESCouncilman Charlie Gonzales YESCouncilwoman
The first item on the agenda for the December 28 Questa Village Council meeting was a new Questa welcome sign. Questa Economic Development Fund Director