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Councilor Ortega Seeks to Increase Limitations on Cannabis

The Village of Questa Council held a public hearing on a cannabis ordinance at this week’s council meeting (3/22/2022). Ordinance #2021-147 has been under community debate for multiple council meetings now and it stipulates that any cannabis business looking to set up within the Village limits must be “300 feet from the perimeter” of any church, school, or day-care (according to state regulations) as well as be limited to agricultural districts. Councilor and Mayor-elect Ortega suggested increasing the area stipulation to 500 feet and adding residential houses to the list of buildings of which cannabis businesses must stay clear.

“If they [as in the cannabis industry] are going to come into Questa we can send them where we want them to go,” said Mayor-elect Ortega on potential cannabis regulations within the Village.

The Village of Questa Attorney, Chris DeFillippo, responded to Mayor-elect Ortega’s suggestion to increase the limitation, explaining that such an increase would effectively prohibit the cannabis industry from setting up anywhere in Questa.

Ordinance #2021-147 was approved on a 3-2 vote with Mayor Mark Gallegos breaking the tie between the Councilors. Councilor Charlie Gonzales and Councilor Brent Jaramillo voted “no.”

Representatives from Living World Ministries were also in attendance at the Council meeting to speak up against recreational cannabis in Questa.
