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Recycle them Again

When living in a town frozen in time
Songs weren’t made for riots or crime
It’s a legacy of a much simpler rhyme.

Coffee served from an old jam jar
The pot shines with grandma’s scar
But the dark grinds don’t go too far.

Grandpa’s ride still sitting out back
When gas was 25 cents, that’s a fact
An EV will never be a classic at that.

The boys with hand me down clothes
The girls wear tight jeans with holes
High fashion Barbie has painted toes.

Double feature on the Oldies Channel
Black and White on a gray scale panel
A quilt soft and worn made of flannel.

Everyone goes to the dollar store
Recycle the bags for stuff’n more
Where you’ve been is the true lore.

When life is played with a recycle bin
If still good, it can be repeated again
Your maker planned it that way Amen.

— Senior Miguel
Ghost Writer
