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Senior Navigates Serious Health Conditions and Defies All Odds

Questa High School senior Faith Cisneros was recently named Prom Princess by her peers. Meeting Faith is knowing kindness, as she meets everyone with a sweet smile and generous heart. Little do many know she has fought battles others could never fathom.

Jessica Cisneros, Faith’s mother, was told at 28 weeks pregnant that the doctors had detected a rhabdomyoma tumor growing on her baby’s heart. As Issac and Jessica learned more about Faith’s condition, they quickly realized regular doctor visits and intensive treatment would be in their future.
Faith was diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (TSC). The condition causes tumors to grow in various areas of the body including the heart, head, lungs and kidneys. At the time of Faith’s diagnosis, little was known about the condition and doctors gave her family a grim prognosis. Isaac and Jessica continued pressing forward, looking for answers and treatment for Faith.

Eventually, the family was accepted into a program in Denver through Children’s Hospital. Over the past several years, Faith has had several tumors removed. Faith has a tumor in her brain which is inoperable therefore is required to take daily chemotherapy in pill form to manage it’s growth and size. Thankfully, her mother says the tumor is stable and is not growing.

Additionally, when Faith was 11, she experienced a tonic-clonic seizure and was airlifted to Denver Children’s Hospital. Later, it was discovered that Faith was diagnosed with epilepsy and currently manages it through medication.

At just 18 years old, Faith is required to take 12 pills daily. “She doesn’t complain. She just knows this is what she has to do to survive,” Jessica says.

Her name is a fitting reminder for the family to leave everything in God’s hands, her mother says. “As parents, the unknown is your biggest fear. We had to leave it in God’s hands knowing she will get through this.” Ever since she was small, Faith was special. “She gives off an aura and my grandma used to say she’s a healer. I know that she’s certainly a fighter,” Jessica says. Faith loves makeup and various genres of music. She’s artistic and very charismatic. Although sometimes Faith can appear shy, she is quick to open up with her personable and fun personality.

Upon graduating, Faith will continue her treatments for her conditions. She is planning to attend college and major in mortuary science. “She wants to go into this field because she wants to help families heal when they lose a loved one. She doesn’t view death as scary, but as a natural part of life.”

Her mom says they are very excited to see what the future holds for Faith. “We are always encouraging her to reach for the stars. We truly believe she’s going to do great things in the future.”
