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Courtesy Photo The native people who lived the culture depicted in the documentary series

Stories on Film – San Luis Valley “A Story To Tell” Documentary Collection Spanish/Mexican Family Oral History Part 4 & 5

Spirituality and Its People: El Valle de San Luis

A 24-minute documentary of the communities in San Luis, Capulin, Conejos and San Antonio during holy week. Narrated by Father Pat Valdez, Sister Rene Weeks.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn of the history, contributions, and rituals of the Penitente Brotherhood. The documentary includes exclusive interviews by Hermano Mayor Max Taylor, Hermano Charlie Maestas and other participating community members. In the town of San Luis, the community joined arms together with the help of Fr. Pat Valdez and Huberto Maestas, a renowned sculptor, who designed the bronze statues that are now part of the Stations of the Cross Shrine.

San Luis Valley is the location of the Oldest Catholic Parish Catholic Church in Colorado. In this documentary, you will see and experience the History, Cultural and Faith of the people of the San Luis Valley.

The tradition of the Encuentro as it is celebrated in San Antonio and Capulin comes from the Penitente Brotherhood dating back at least two hundred years. The tradition’s roots come from a biblical portrayal of the meeting of Jesus and Mary on their way to Calvary on Good Friday. To this day the Encuentro is still celebrated in Capulin and San Antonio. Total Running Time: 24:23

[Rick Vigil’s] documentary was well done and very inspiring. My birth family is from Antonio (Antonito?) but I was adopted in Alamosa by a loving Catholic family 62 years ago. Although I’ve lived in Rocky Ford, Los Angeles, and Denver my spirit is always drawn to El Valle. Your film touched my soul, warmed my heart, and lifted my spirit. Gracias. – Larry Apodaca, Voice Over Talent/Singer and Songwriter
Great documentary. Proud to be from the San Luis Valley, specifically Capulin.

I well remember Holy Week and La Morada in Capulin.

Robert Gurza Cultural & Diversity Relevance – Clinical Program Management at Jefferson Center for Mental Health. Stations of the Cross in San Luis are so beautiful and with so much detail. Rick, this is a touching and intimate portrait of a particular community’s religious beliefs and the ways in which their spirituality is expressed in their daily lives. Nicely done. – Maria Cisneros, City and County of Denver

Exploring Integrative Medicine: A Cultural Health Video Series Educational teaching materials on the herb “OSHA”

Carol Jensen, R.N., M.Ed., Professor and Retired Integrative Therapist, and creator of the Bachelor of Science in Integrative Therapeutic Practices Degree at Metropolitan State University of Denver.
Culturally competent health care is a complex process that includes not just understanding the culture and health practices of others, but also honoring them so that they may be discussed in conjunction with the Western approach to medicine. Respecting the traditional health practices of others is vital for an open, honest dialogue between client and practitioner.

This video series offers short documentary vignettes about cultural health issues and provides a teaching tool kit to create lively discussions within the classroom. The tool kit includes a PowerPoint presentation, list of works cited for further research, discussion questions and group projects.
For this video the medicinal herb Osha was specifically chosen because it has not been discussed at length in the media but is widely used in the western United States by indigenous and Hispanic peoples has a great deal of cultural significance.

Information from herbalist Teresa Vigil of the San Luis Valley of Colorado is included with historical and cultural uses of the herb, and scientific knowledge about the herb.

Qualified herbalists interested in the production and distribution of educational video materials on the topic of alternative medicine (remedios) will find this an essential resource. The focus would be on the history, preservation and safe use of these natural medicines as a supportive educational reference tool by the general market.

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center School of Nursing, the University of Colorado in Boulder, Denver Office of Children Affair, Metropolitan State University of Denver, Denver Public School, Red Rocks Community College, the University of Colorado Denver-Downtown Campus and Colorado Community Health Centers (CCHN) all have been proud supporters of this work.

Total Running Time 9:20
DVD/CD Packet includes
Toolkit Teaching Materials, Film Guide, and Ligusticum porteri Osha Power Point
Should appear with all five parts:
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A Place of Miracles” Help share the message!
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Down To Earth Media
Opportunity to express the artist in you
Down To Earth Media, LLC,
Contact Rick Vigil @ 303-842-9579 /
