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Courtesy Photo Karen Shannon

Tax Increases in Village of Questa?

The Questa Village Council meeting on September 12 featured proposals for a potential 2 percent increase in the municipal gross receipts tax (GRT) as well as a 5 percent increase to lodgers tax, as methods to increase revenue for the Village.

The current GRT rate for the Village sits at 8 percent. The primary purpose
of the proposed GRT increase is to improve funding for the Village Public Safety Department
Village Administrator and Finance Director Karen Shannon explained that she wrote the draft proposal for a 2 percent GRT increase because that is the maximum increase the Council can implement on their own without approval from the public; any higher increase must be reviewed and approved by the public.

Mayor John Ortega argued that a 2 percent increase in the GRT might be too harsh on residents and suggested lowering it by one percentage point. The Council seemed to be in agreement. The Council expressed gratitude for the draft of the lodger’s tax, saying it is needed.

A recording the September 12 Village Council meeting is available at the Questa del Rio News’ Facebook page at following URL:
