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Architectural rendering of proposed garden on the east side of the Questa Public Library, donate today to help make this happen!

The Garden At the Library

Let’s talk about the Garden at the Questa Public Library, “What garden?” you ask! “Not that mixture of bare dirt and weeds, sloppy mud, picnic tables, and Russian olive trees behind the building?” you say.
“Doesn’t sound much like a garden to me!” you might add. But what if all that became part of a lush garden, an oasis, a place of beauty and refuge? A place with more than 50 shrubs, trees, and plants in a setting with a meandering pathway and benches in shady spots, nice places to sit and read. Maybe even a soothing water feature. Wouldn’t you want to spend time in a garden like that? Or hold family events in such a space?

Here’s how we will transform this space on the east side of the library. The first phase of the garden—the patio—has already been completed due to the generosity of Dr. Larry Brown and his family. Now the Friends of the Library organization is pursuing grant support for the second phase of the garden plan.
Our local residents can also participate in funding this proposed oasis. Bricks engraved with names to commemorate a loved one or cherished family event can be purchased. A contribution of $500 will purchase a memorial tree or other plantings for the garden. All donations, large or small, are welcome, and all donations will be permanently acknowledged in the garden.

You can view the already completed patio at the library during library hours as well as plans for the next phase of the garden. Any questions about the garden can be answered by calling (575) 586-2023. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to the Friends of the Questa Public Library at PO Box 251, Questa, NM 87556. Donations can also be made at
