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Village of Questa Passes Budget for FY 2023-24

Questa del Rio News obtained a copy of the Village of Questa’s budget for the 2023-2024 fiscal year. See the budget summary below. The budget was passed as Resolution No. 2023-2027, entitled “Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Budget Adoption,” on July 25, 2023.

General Operating Fund
Cash Assets: $1,300,334.17
Revenues: $1,324,747
Local taxes: $767,187
State taxes: $413,400
Licenses & permits: $4,455
Charges for services: $10,225
Fines & forfeits: $2,100
Miscellaneous revenues: $27,380
Intergovernmental grants: $100,000
Expenditures (Governing Body): $90,790
Salaries & wages: $44,400
Employee benefits: $7,562
Travel costs: $15,000
Purchased property services: $6,248
Supplies: $3,000
Operating costs: $14,580
Municipal Court: $42,407
General administration: $624,523
Elections: $13,482
Law enforcement: $661,624
Animal control: $2,500
Library: $89,536
Community centers: $1,551,158

Assets: $13,140
Revenues: $1,200
Expenditures: $3,000
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Assets: $97,268
Revenues: $323,728
Expenditures: $537,312
Fire Protection
Assets: $29,888
Revenues: $84,279
Expenditures: $94,279

Assets for $12,539
General operating costs for recreation: $585
Expenditures for parks & recreation: $17,511
American Rescue Plan Act
Assets: $93,611

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project
Assets: $37,500
Expenditures: $37,500
State Legislative Appropriation Project
Assets: $137,238
Expenditures (Capital Purchases): $115,000

Road/Street Projects
Assets: $217,548
Expenditures: $217,548

Water Enterprise
Assets: $66,201
Revenues: $351,500
Water Utility/Authority expenditures: $348,371

Solid Waste Enterprise
Assets: $37,500
Revenues: $290,048
Solid Waste Utility/Authority expenditures: $288,918

Wastewater/Sewer Enterprise
Assets: $65,583
Revenues: $196,552
Wastewater Utility/Authority expenditures: $198,795

Airport Enterprise
Assets: $3,349
Expenditures: $17,382

Motor Vehicle
Revenues: $30,000
Expenditures: $80,246

Water Rights
Assets: $27,829
Revenues: $5,000

Total Funds
Assets: $2,214,125.00
Revenues: $2,771,994.00
Expenditures: $3,666,125.00

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