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Art at the library

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Photo by Peggy Trigg A variety of two-dimensional works grace the new library wing west wall.

What is Your Library? Books AND Local Artwork!


If you haven’t gotten the chance to check out the art display in the Questa Public Library’s new Senator Carlos Cisneros wing, make sure you take a minute and drop by. Not only will you see the fabulous new wing of the library, which is full of light and beauty, you will also have the chance to view artwork by some of our area’s most talented artists!

There are currently two exhibitions hanging. The first is a large display of 14 artworks on the west wall by artists from the Questa Studio Art Tour and will be on display through July. To see more work by these artists, come to the live event: the Questa Studio Art Tour, August 14 and 15.

The second display is a grouping of local textile artists. Many types of textiles are represented, including crochet, quilting, hand-stitching, and embroidery. The textile show will be on display through the end of October. If you are a textile artist and would like to have your work on display in the library, please let the librarian know. Applications are available at the library.


  • Questa Creative Council Board member and artist: I paint the Southwest because I love the land! Being raised in the country, I have a strong tie to it. It’s a sense of deep emotions, of memory, and of history. While I am painting, I try to capture the feeling of the place, what is all around me: the smells, what I hear, and what I see – a complete picture. My abstracts represent “My Other Side.” I play with emotions through color, shapes, and energy to make playful compositions.

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