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Rosie Sanchez and her husband Moises

Years of Service: Recognizing Rosie Sanchez

When did you start teaching? What drew you to it?

In 1993, I started with the Mesa Vista Headstart Program. In 1998, we transitioned over to Youth Development Inc. I have been with YDI for 26 years and teaching for a total of 31 years.
I took this job because my daughter Jacquelyn was attending at that time. Before then I had been a stay-at-home mom and enjoyed being with my girls. When I got this job I never thought about staying here for this long. Once I started working with the children and seeing them learn their self-help skills, I realized that this is what I wanted to do. In 2000, I decided to pursue my degree in early childhood education.

What has been the best part of teaching?

I think for me the best part of teaching are the relationships I have built with the children in those years that I taught them. When the children start school, most of them are three years old. This is a big step for them and their parents to entrust us with their babies. As each day goes on it gets easier for the parents to leave and children to come to school. Before you know it they are waving bye and not wanting to leave at the end of day and I am hearing those sweet words “I love you, teacher.”

What has been the most challenging part of teaching?

The most challenging part of teaching was trying to finish my associate degree when we lost my oldest daughter Christina. The only thing that kept me going was the joy the children would bring. I remember struggling in the morning to go to work, but once I was spending time with the children the ache in my heart would subside. I accomplished this goal and received my associate degree in 2004 and continued my education and received my bachelor’s degree in 2012.
What is something you hope all your former students know about your time with them?
I hope all my students know that I once loved them all as my own. I hope to have had a positive impact in their life, as they did in mine.

What’s the silliest thing or thing a student has ever said, that still make you giggle to this day?

When we are out in public and I see one of my former students with their families, working in their field of expertise etc., as a grown successful man and woman, and they still call me “Teacher Rosie.”

Anything else you want to add?

I couldn’t be where I am today without the support of my husband Moises, my four daughters, Denise (Davin), Yvonne (Ted), Jacquelyn (Nando) and Audrea (Marcus) and all my 15 grandchildren, who I was able to teach the majority of.
