For the summer months of July and August, the Questa Public Library will be presenting “A Sneak Peek” of artwork produced by local artists participating in the upcoming Questa Art Tour.
The library art show opening will be held July 6 from 2 to 4 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Over 40 artists will be in this year’s tour, and many will have a representative sample of their work in this exhibit.
The library is located at 6-½ Municipal Park Road, Questa, NM and is open Monday through Saturday, from noon to 5 p.m..
For more information on the 2024 Questa Art Tour, on August 10 and 11, go to the Questa Creative Council website at QuestaCreative.org, email QuestaCreativeCouncil@gmail.com, or call (575) 586-5658.
Questa Creative Council Board member and artist: I paint the Southwest because I love the land! Being raised in the country, I have a strong tie to it. It’s a sense of deep emotions, of memory, and of history. While I am painting, I try to capture the feeling of the place, what is all around me: the smells, what I hear, and what I see – a complete picture. My abstracts represent “My Other Side.” I play with emotions through color, shapes, and energy to make playful compositions.
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