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ASTROLOGY: December 2022


“Fear is contraction, love is expansion.”

Matthew Pallamary

In the natural horoscope – when all signs and planets are in their own houses – the transition between the 9th house of Sagittarius into the 10th house of Capricorn is at the Midheaven, the tip-top of the chart and the second most important position in a chart. In the natural rounding of a chart, we begin with birth in the first house and proceed through the next six houses learning about the self. When we cross the horizon line from the 6th to the 7th house we step into a larger world, one where others matter.

From here, we begin to “climb the mountain,” working our way through the uncertain terrain of one-on-one relationships, undergoing the tests and obstacles of short-term karma in the 8th house and eventually making our way into the 9th house of the Spiritual Journey, the Seeker, the natural home of Sagittarius.

Our sights are now set on the top of the mountain, the calling peak of pure air and snow and vision. But finding our way can prove the hardest part of the climb; we are distracted, we slip and fall back into old ways and sometimes we bury our heads in the snow, unwilling to accept the responsibility of our own journey. Not all will make it, but for those who persevere, who step up finally into the light, the view is breathtaking, spellbinding, moving. The struggle is now worth it, and we know who we truly are, who we were meant to be, and that every one of us is on such a journey, if at different steps along the way. Sagittarius is the elder brother and sister on the Path, helping those who still struggle; Capricorn is the one who finally can say, “And now I can get on with the Father’s business.”

The Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year and the transition between Sagittarius and Capricorn could be a reminder that we are all on the same Path, that we are all here to help one another.

Everyone: Happy Winter Solstice

ARIES Planet: Mercury MARCH 20 – APRIL 19
Dynamic: Your shift will be from uncertainty to certainty.
Direction: Watch for a new door to open.
Soul Thought: Then what?

TAURUS Planet: Vulcan APRIL 19 – MAY 20
Dynamic: Something you’ve been trying to pin down may finally get pinned.
Direction: Now what?
Soul Thought: Read the proverb about the loaves and fishes.

GEMINI Planet: Venus MAY 20 – July 20
Dynamic: You’ve been afire; now is the time for patience.
Direction: Taming the fire.
Soul Thought: “Patience, young grasshopper.” Kung Fu television show

CANCER Planet: Neptune July 20 – JULY 22
Dynamic: The challenges you face are not one-sided.
Direction: The two challenges could balance each other out.
Soul Thought: When deep water turns over on top of shallow water…

LEO Planet: Sun JULY 22 – AUG 22
Dynamic: It’s a good time for feeling into things.
Direction: What light can you shine in the darkness?
Soul Thought: Or can you see?

VIRGO Planet: Moon AUG 22 – SEPT 22
Dynamic: You can be mercurial.
Direction: Make sure your direction is pure.
Soul Thought: The heart knows.

LIBRA Planet: Uranus SEPT 22 – OCT 22
Dynamic: The financial challenge or irregularity continues.
Direction: Take heart, abundance is actually part of the challenge.
Soul Thought: “The source of all abundance is not outside of you; it’s a part of who you are.” Eckhart Tolle

SCORPIO Planet: Mars OCT 22 – NOV 21
Dynamic: The full moon this month could be particularly insightful.
Direction: Avoid the urge to be peevish and great things could happen.
Soul Thought: What is true communication?

SAGITTARIUS Planet: Earth NOV 21 – DEC 20
Dynamic: The whole world is calling.
Direction: Why not travel?
Soul Thought: Inside or out.

CAPRICORN Planet: Saturn DEC 20 – JAN 19
Dynamic: You may feel lighter than usual despite the challenge.
Direction: Follow the lightness.
Soul Thought: What is lighter than air?

AQUARIUS Planet: Jupiter JAN 19 – FEB 18
Dynamic: A big shift in energy for you this month!
Direction: Time to give birth to what you’ve been working so hard on!
Soul Thought: “The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain

PISCES Planet: Pluto FEB 18 – MAR 20
Dynamic: It’s a nice month of few challenges.
Direction: Dance with the Moon.
Soul Thought: And the stars, and the Sun, and the…ß

To discover your Rising Sign, or for more information, contact Charlene R. Johnson,, or email:
Esoteric Astrology is focused on the rising sign more than the sun sign (we suggest you read both)
and provides clarity, direction and answers for those seeking a higher level of life.


  • Charlene R Johnson is a graduate of Claregate College, a metaphysical college in England and studied directly under teacher Dr. Douglas Baker. She offers oral readings, written reports and teaches classes in both esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology. These classes are for beginners who know nothing of astrology. Use of the glyphs in your chart are considered a form of dialogue with your Soul and a necessary tool in your spiritual toolbox. A former Taos County resident she now lives in central Florida on 6.5 acres on a beautiful lake. This property has recently been dubbed SkyDance Sanctuary and will be the site of classes and special events.

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