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Celebrate Annual National Trails Day ®

Staff Writers

National Trails Day® is an annual event hosted by the American Hiking Society, which celebrates not only national scenic and historic trails, but all trails on public lands. Trails Day is considered a day of service and advocacy for hometown trails.

American Hiking works with Congress, federal agencies, and partners on policy issues and legislation to ensure funding for trails, preservation of public lands, and protection of the hiking experience.
“We envision a world where everyone feels welcome in the American hiking community and has permanent access to meaningful hiking, including urban, frontcountry, and backcountry opportunities,” their website says.
Millions of people have found physical, mental, and emotional restoration on trails during the pandemic. On the website: “Let’s return the favor and care for America’s magnificent trail system and ensure everyone in the U.S. can enjoy trails and natural areas.”

Our own local trail-loving group, the Enchanted Circle Trails Association, will convene an Enchanted Circle Trail Stewardship event on June 5 to recognize National Trails Day. And join in your local National Trails Day event: the Questa History Trail will host an opening celebration and guided walk starting at 11 am on that day (see cover story).
Contact the ECTA on Facebook @EnchantedCircleTrailAssociation, call Carl at (575) 770-8940, or email them at To find out more information about the National Trails Day, visit the American Hiking Society’s website.
