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March 8: Village of Questa Council Meeting

Acceptance and approval of the Village of Questa FY2021 audit (Resolution 2022-05), action item tabled.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

Approval of State of New Mexico Department of Transportation Fund 89200 Capital Appropriation Project (Resolution 2022-06), action item approved.
Town Clerk, Ms. Renee Martinez, stated that NMDOT needs this Resolution for the current funding of $300, 000.00 that has been appropriated to Cabresto Road.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

(Resolution 2022-07) – A Resolution supporting the development and construction of a skatepark in the Village of Questa, action item approved.

Town Clerk, Ms. Renee Martinez stated that this resolution is needed to apply for grant funding needed for the development of the skate park.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

(Resolution 2022-08) – A Resolution supporting the submission of FY 2023 NMDOT Municipal Arterial Program (MAP) application, action item approved.

Town Clerk, Ms. Renee Martinez, stated this resolution will be submitted with a MAP application for paving of Upper Embargo Road.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

Approval of engineering services for La Cienega School, action item approved.
Town Clerk, Ms. Renee Martinez, provided a proposal received from NV5 to engineer the project of roof and gym repair of La Cienega school.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

Approval of Change Order #2 – Questa Business Park, action item tabled.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P.
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

Approval of Easement Agreement between the Village of Questa & North Central Regional Transit District regarding the installation of transit bus stops.
Mayor Gallegos provided background information regarding the areas of interest of the transit bus stops.
Councilman John Ortega NO
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

A motion to approve the first Easement Agreement in front of the library between the Village of Questa & North Central Regional Transit District regarding the installation of transit bus stops, motion carried.

A motion to approve that the Mayor and Administrator decide on the second location and go into an agreement once the location is determined, motion carried.

Memorandum of Understanding between Taos County/Taos County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of Questa for Law Enforcement Assistance.
Town Clerk, Ms. Renee Martinez, stated that the MOU was approved at the County level and the contract is for one calendar year.

A motion to approve MOU between Taos County / Taos County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of Questa for Law Enforcement Assistance, motion carried.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P.
Jaramillo ABSTAIN
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

Approval of Lease agreement between Taos Bakes and the Village of Questa.
Legal counsel, Mr. Defillippo, gave background information gave a background regarding the extension of the current lease agreement held between the Village of Questa and Taos Bakes. There are two new changes to the extension agreement, those changes are as follows:
• Extend the agreement for an additional one year.
• All future extension requests must be done in writing.
For the record, Councilman Ortega asked what the current monthly rental rate is, Mayor Gallegos responded that Taos Bakes pays $2,500 per month for rent.
Councilman John Ortega YES
Councilman Brent P. Jaramillo YES
Councilman Charlie Gonzales YES
Councilwoman Louise Gallegos YES

A motion to Approve the Lease Agreement between the Village of Questa and Taos Bakes, motion carried.

New Business to be considered at future Council meetings:

Councilman Ortega asked if Clean Up Day has been scheduled yet.
Mayor Gallegos informed the Council that he was approached by Asst. Chief Raynelle Cordova and Fire Chief Alfredo Romero of the EMS / Fire Department about purchasing a new pumper fire truck.
Councilman Jaramillo recommended a special meeting be held to further discuss and approve the purchase of said truck.

There was discussion and it was decided that a special meeting will be scheduled to discuss details of the purchase.
