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October 2024

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Are You in the Online Questa Business Directory?

Is your business listed in the free local business directory on VisitQuesta.com? Is your listing up to date? Every business in the Questa area should be included in this business directory. Businesses get a free full page to promote to guests and locals who may be looking for your services.

Each listing includes the owner’s name, a description of your business, photos, your physical address, mailing address, phone number, email address, and links to your website and/or social media pages.
When your directory page is set up, it creates a unique URL for your business, so even if you don’t have a website, the search engines direct people to your VisitQuesta.com page, where you can always be found online.

We want the business directory to be as complete as possible with all Questa-area businesses included, so review your listing and make any changes, or create a new one; just click the links below:
To view your listing, go to: visitquesta.com/business-and-community
To create a new listing or update you current listing, go to: visitquesta.com/merchant-info

Your form will be reviewed and uploaded to the site by our webmaster, Dan Kuehn. If we have any questions about your form, we’ll get in touch with you. If you have any questions about the business directory, email lynn@questaedf.com.

Questa’s location at the crossroads of state highways 522 and 38 on the Enchanted Circle Scenic Byway affords our community traffic from all directions. The Questa Visitor Center is located at the traffic light at this intersection, where visitors are stopped in the heart of town. The Visitor Center gets them to stay a little longer than the 60 seconds it takes for the light to change.

The Questa Visitor Center serves thousands of visitors every summer, providing suggestions about what to see, where to eat, where to spend time (and money), and what not to miss in the Questa area.
To provide the best service for our guests and your business, we ask you to be sure we have your brochure, rack card, or business card at the Visitor Center so we can direct vacationers your way. Are you a local with a book, an artist with small-sized artwork, pottery, or handmade items that we can promote and sell for you?

The Visitor Center is your local source for Questa branded merchendise, including ceramic mugs, insulated travel mugs, t-shirts, postcards, local artist’s note cards, Taos Bakes bars, and a variety of affordable keepsakes, so that friends and family who live out of town or guests visiting our area can purchase mementos to remember us by.

We have a year-round 24/7 ADA-accessible outdoor port-a-potty, generously set up by a grant from the LOR Foundation, so send your “non-customers” our way for use of our comfort station.

The Visitor Center is operated and managed by the Questa Economic Development Fund; the QEDF and the Questa del Rio News have office space at the Visitor Center. Stop by and say hi and drop off your collateral so we can best promote your business!

Open Wednesday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. through October 6; for more information, leave a message at (575) 586-2149 or go to VisitQuesta.com.
