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ASTROLOGY: July 2024


Esoteric astrology examines everything from the perspective of the Soul, the highest purpose as we understand it. For this reason, we esoteric astrologers don’t typically view transits—the daily movement of planets—with as much interest or horror as traditional astrologers do. Since we deal with karma and reincarnation and recognize that we’ve been working on specific lesson plans as spelled out in our birth charts for many lifetimes, the brief, daily passage of the planets is but a drop in the bucket of time. The only transits we pay much attention to are what we call the generational planets, those so far out that they move slowly and stay in a single sign for years on end. Mostly, we prefer to work with the progressed chart to either look ahead, or to gain better understanding of past occurrences in this lifetime. By slowing down the movement of planets into dynamic patterns instead of daily, repetitive movements, we can both understand more of what we were meant to learn in past events as well as the type of energy and challenges we are likely to work with in our future. The Soul’s Purpose, another term for this particular astrology, can be more easily pursued with this dynamic information.

All that said however, this month we have a couple of interesting transits upon which to ponder. Mid-month, Mars and Uranus will be conjunct (on top of each other) in the sign of Taurus. Wherever Taurus is in your chart is where in your life it might affect you. This particular combination can indicate an accident waiting to happen, so it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious driving around, and to mind your throat, or your speech, which Taurus rules. Then one week later, Pluto and Earth come together in the sign of Aquarius, the sign of waves, such as seismic waves or radioactive waves. Pluto rules volcanic eruptions, so tremors of the Earth and more are certainly possible. AND the waxing and finally full moon, moving into a conjunction with these two planets, could be a trigger. At one point, four of these five planets are all in the exact same degree and blessing one another. What does it mean when an accident and seismic shift work together? On a Soul level? An unanticipated seismic shift in consciousness for all of humanity (Aquarius)? Fingers crossed that this is the manifestation of these two transit conjunctions and trine.

Everyone: Watch the dolphins July 21 and 22 for clues about potential seismic behavior.

ARIES Planet: Mercury MARCH 20 – APRIL 19
Dynamic: Something needs re-doing or re-starting.
Direction: So “re” it.
Soul Thought: May the Source be with you.?

TAURUS Planet: Vulcan APRIL 19 – MAY 20
Dynamic: If someone needs repayment now is the time.
Direction: In a loving way.
Soul Thought: Is debt karma? Or v.v.?

GEMINI Planet: Venus MAY 20 – July 20
Dynamic: What a sweet time for the expression of true love!
Direction: Express!
Soul Thought: For Self, for God, for an Other? Yes.

CANCER Planet: Neptune July 20 – JULY 22
Dynamic: You can literally lift the veil this month.
Direction: Well?
Soul Thought: Courage is contagious.

LEO Planet: Sun JULY 22 – AUG 22
Dynamic: As we drift into the fulsome of summer.
Direction: Love.
Soul Thought: . (period)

VIRGO Planet: Moon AUG 22 – SEPT 22
Dynamic: The entire planet needs healing.
Direction: Are you the one?
Soul Thought: Everyone can be a healer.

LIBRA Planet: Uranus SEPT 22 – OCT 22
Dynamic: You may be feeling stuck or left behind.
Direction: But it’s your decision.
Soul Thought: Always.

SCORPIO Planet: Mars OCT 22 – NOV 21
Dynamic: Halfway through the month, words may fail you.
Direction: Listen instead.
Soul Thought: The voice of the Highest Partner.

SAGITTARIUS Planet: Earth NOV 21 – DEC 20
Dynamic: The signs are clear this month.
Direction: Prepare for a seismic occurrence.
Soul Thought: As within, so without.

CAPRICORN Planet: Saturn DEC 20 – JAN 19
Dynamic: You may cause yourself a setback this month.
Direction: Altering your expectations could help.
Soul Thought: “Expectations were like fine pottery. The harder you held them, the more likely they were to crack.” —Brandon Sanderson, “The Way of Kings”

AQUARIUS Planet: Jupiter JAN 19 – FEB 18
Dynamic: Communication is paramount.
Direction: If you take sides about something, stop to think.
Soul Thought: Do two sides actually exist?

PISCES Planet: Pluto FEB 18 – MAR 20
Dynamic: You now have the potential to see the biggest picture.
Direction: Far-see.
Soul Thought: How big is it?

To discover your Rising Sign, or for more information, contact Charlene R. Johnson,
www.SkyDanceAstrology.com, or email: SkyDance@SkyDanceAstrology.com
Esoteric Astrology is focused on the rising sign more than the sun sign (we suggest you read both)
and provides clarity, direction and answers for those seeking a higher level of life.


  • Charlene R Johnson is a graduate of Claregate College, a metaphysical college in England and studied directly under teacher Dr. Douglas Baker. She offers oral readings, written reports and teaches classes in both esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology. These classes are for beginners who know nothing of astrology. Use of the glyphs in your chart are considered a form of dialogue with your Soul and a necessary tool in your spiritual toolbox. A former Taos County resident she now lives in central Florida on 6.5 acres on a beautiful lake. This property has recently been dubbed SkyDance Sanctuary and will be the site of classes and special events.

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