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LIVE LAUGH LOVE: February 2025

Sometimes I Forget About God

Oh, I say a healing prayer at 5 p.m. every day for my family and friends who are ailing, but that’s petitioning God for something. I seem to remember God when I want Him to work out a problem for me or perform some miracle that will enhance my life. But when everything is going smoothly and joyfully (and most of the time it is for me), I forget about God. I don’t think about Him or what I might do for Him.

Until today. I was going through a bunch of old papers and found this:
“We cannot save the world without God’s help, but He can’t save the world without ours. We need His love; He needs our hands and feet. Today I give Him mine. A love that hovers above the earth, however well intentioned, is not enough to save the world. It is a willing heart and love embodied that carry with them the miraculous authority to turn darkness into light. God cannot do for us what He cannot do through us, and today I pray that He works through me. May I be used for a higher purpose, as I surrender to Him my hands and feet, my thoughts and behavior. May they reflect His love. May angels guide me, that I might do the part assigned to me to help heal the world. Today is a day of surrender, as I seek not my own goals but the one goal of God. May my heart be so open and my soul so soft that I am a conduit for all things good. May it be revealed to me where to go, what to do, what to say and to whom, [I added: and what to paint] that I might serve Him best. In every moment may I remember to pray, ‘Dear God, please use me.’ For thus it will be so.”

I love this. I taped it to the front of my workbook so I will see it and say it every day.

Ellen Wood of Questa is an artist using the name Maruska as well as the award-winning author of the series of books, “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” available on Amazon. Contact her at Her website is

A veces me olvido de Dios

¿​Oh, hago una oración de sanación a las 5 p.m. todos los días por mi familia y amigos que están enfermos, pero eso es pedirle algo a Dios. Parece que sólo recuerdo a Dios cuando quiero que me solucione un problema o que haga algún milagro que mejore mi vida. Pero cuando todo va bien y con alegría (y la mayor parte del tiempo es así para mí), me olvido de Dios. No pienso en Él ni en lo que podría hacer por Él.

Hasta hoy. Estaba revisando un montón de papeles viejos y encontré esto:
“No podemos salvar al mundo sin la ayuda de Dios, pero Él tampoco puede salvar al mundo sin nosotros. Necesitamos Su amor; Él necesita nuestras manos y pies. Hoy le entrego los míos.
Un amor que flota por encima de la tierra, por muy bien intencionado que sea, no es suficiente para salvar al mundo. Es un corazón dispuesto y un amor encarnado lo que lleva consigo la autoridad milagrosa para convertir la oscuridad en luz.

Dios no puede hacer por nosotros lo que no puede hacer a través de nosotros, y hoy rezo para que obre a través de mí. Que me use para un propósito superior, mientras le entrego mis manos y pies, mis pensamientos y comportamientos. Que reflejen Su amor. Que los ángeles me guíen para que pueda cumplir con la parte que me toca para ayudar a sanar al mundo.

Hoy es un día de rendición, ya que no busco mis propios objetivos, sino el único objetivo de Dios. Que mi corazón esté tan abierto y mi alma tan receptiva que sea un conducto para todas las cosas buenas. Que se me revele adónde ir, qué hacer, qué decir y a quién [añadí: y qué pintar] para que pueda servirle mejor. En cada momento, que recuerde orar: ‘Querido Dios, por favor úsame’. Y así será.”

Me ha encantado. Lo pegué en la portada de mi cuaderno de trabajo para verlo y decirlo todos los días.

Ellen Wood de Questa es artista y la autora galardonada de la serie de libros “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” disponible en Amazon. Puedes contactarla en Su sitio web es


  • Ellen Wood, born in 1936, is a prizewinning author, columnist and former management executive. After her youngest child began school, Ellen started an in-house ad agency and won 16 awards for annual report and advertising excellence, including 4 national awards. Five years after her mother died of Alzheimer’s, Ellen experienced early symptoms (she has the gene, APO-e4). At 68 she developed a program of mind/body/spirit techniques that proved so successful, she wrote and published “Think and Grow Young,” followed by “Joy! Joy! Joy!” (now retitled “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” Volumes 1 and 2) and gave inspirational speeches. Since 2018 Ellen has been the ad agency for NorthStar Tire and Auto in Questa, NM. Ellen started painting in November of 2020, having dabbled at it in her 20s, and gave herself a new name: Maruška, her father’s middle name. She is overjoyed to be part of a big, loving, kindhearted family. You can find her paintings at

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