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Photo by E. Wilde

Questa Village Council Seeks Funding Extension Requests For Road Projects

Planning and design for the Cabresto Road’s second phase has been completed. Phase three is fully funded. According to Village of Questa Project Manager Jake Lafore, there is approximately $502,388 on hand for Cabresto Road’s phase two, about $270,000 of which will go to culverts and drainage for phases two and three.

“We’re short just a little over a million dollars to fully fund Cabresto Road phase two,” said Project Manager Lafore at the February 27 Council meeting.

The Village is requesting an extension of funds in the form of $124,444 from the New Mexico Department of Transportation (DoT) for Cabresto Road project’s phase two.

The Village also requested an extension of funds for Embargo Road in the form of $155,520, partly for planning and design. The Village estimates planning and design for the Embargo Road project will be completed by the end of spring to early summer of this year.

These extensions for the Cabresto Road and Embargo Road projects will be in addition to other means of funding that the Village will be seeking.

A procurement for Embargo Road bridge and an MOU for the Questa Business Bridge library project were tabled due to human errors on this meeting’s agenda.
