Photo by E. Wilde, Organizers Cynthia Rael and Louise Gallegos with Artist Ed Sandoval at the fundraiser held in Rael's Coffee Shop of Questa.
Successful Fundraiser Featuring Artist Ed Sandoval
Funds for St. Anthony’s Church
Photo by E. WildePhoto by E. Wilde, Artist Ed Sandoval, front and in the back, organizer Louise GallegosPhoto by E. Wilde, Connie Manzanars, right, Holding down the fort at the Sales TablePhoto by E. Wilde, Connie Manzanares, right making a sale to Carla Santos Lima, left supporting a local cause.Photo by E. Wilde, Artist Ed Sandoval signing prints at the Fundraiser held for Questa St Anthony’s Church on April 10, 2022 at Rael’s Store and Coffee.Photo by E. WildePhoto by E. Wilde, Artist Ed Sandoval and his partner Gwen on the left, and Ginger and Mark Brozio on the right getting their recently purchased print signed by the artist for the benefit of St. Anthony’s Church of Questa.Photo by E. Wilde, Armondo (Manders) Vigil Jr., Left, Connie Manzanars, center, and Cynthia Rael, leftPhoto by E. Wilde, Musical Entertainment provided by brothers, Chris Arellano, left and Rodney Arellano, rightPhoto by E. Wilde, Ms. Carla Santos Lima getting her just purchased art print signed by the artist Ed Sandoval. Her purchase going towards the fundraiser to benefit the Questa St. Anthony’s Church.Photo by E. Wilde, Cynthia Rael, left and Evelyn Ortega Coggins, rightPhoto by E. Wilde, Musical Entertainment provided by brothers, Chris Arellano, left and Rodney Arellano, rightPhoto by E. Wilde, Malaquis (JR) Rael shaking hands.Photo by E. Wilde, Musical Entertainment provided by brothers, Chris Arellano, left and Rodney Arellano, rightPhoto by E. Wilde, A wonderful spread of food and sweets Photo by E. Wilde, Crowd scene at FundraiserPhoto by E. WildePhoto by E. Wilde, Armondo (Manders) Vigil Jr., Left, Connie Manzanars, right, Holding down the fort at the Sales Table