Come and see the exciting artwork produced by our local youth artists at the opening of their show, on Saturday, November 4, from 2 to 4 p.m. There will be refreshments and prizes and youth will provide the live music.
This year students from our four local schools will be participating, from Questa Junior/Senior High School, Alta Vista Elementary, Red River Charter School, and Roots and Wings Elementary — as well as home-schooled children.
Over 200 pieces of art will be on display! The work encompasses many different subject matters and techniques. Landscapes, still life, abstracts ,and portraits that are created using pencil, acrylic, oil, watercolor, and printmaking materials will be gracing our walls. Fun sculptural work will also be displayed. There should be something for everyone to enjoy at this exciting and creative show.
Thanks to the art teachers from all these schools, and parents, for encouraging and promoting their students’ creativity. Creative problem-solving is an extremely important and valuable skill which carries over into the real world, helping individuals find many different ways to find solutions to everyday problems.
This will be a fun and exciting show with all the elementary school-aged children receiving ribbons for their artwork and the junior/senior students receiving juried awards and prizes.
During the opening on November 4 from 2 to 4 p.m., guests will be entertained by listening to music performed by our local youth. Thank you to our local music teachers! Art-making tables will also be set up, so you will be able to make a favorite holiday decoration or card. The event will be catered to provide the most excellent refreshments, so please come out and help us show our support and encouragement for the many creative children in our community. Hope to see you Saturday, Nov 4, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Questa Public Library!