New Year
I had watched my horse, Matty, be sick for six weeks on and off. She was 23 years old and was with me for 17 years. I feel I did everything I could to save her except surgery, which may or may not have healed her. She passed away yesterday as I write this. Sometimes we have to lose what we love most to understand ourselves better and deeper. My heart has broken open with raw feelings of love and grief mixed together. Losing my horse is losing part of myself, the true, authentic part that is revealed in moments of sincere connection. Matty accepted all of me and helped me be true to myself. Her passing has opened up a portal of love for many beings who rode her and were connected to her. The next day, we buried her and held a ceremony celebrating her life with her riders and friends. Horses define my nature; they are my soul companions. My love for horses runs deep. Riding a horse gives you an opportunity to partner up and feel with a horse. They can read your energy four feet away. They know your bones. You go on adventures together into the woods and fields, along the rivers, sharing these moments of joy.
Who is your animal companion? How does the animal impact your life? What is your favorite animal and why? What do you love about your animal friend? Your story could also be about an animal you greatly admired or saw in the wild and were moved by their beauty and majestic being.
I would say a sea turtle. I love to swim with them when I go to Hawaii. I was inspired by a thank you card. Advice from a sea turtle: “Swim the current, be a good navigator, stay calm under pressure, be well traveled, think long-term, age gracefully and spend time at the beach.” I resonate with turtles. They are protected. You let them go by—sharing the ocean with everyone—peaceful critters. Their sense of community is really great. They have special beaches and all come up together to share the beach. They are roped off. You can look but not go up to them. Volunteers are watching and protecting them. I have bumped into a turtle in the ocean. Ooh, they like to get together and flap their flippers in rhythm and sing turtle songs, ha-ha. We need to leave them alone.
What about your cat? He loves me so much and is fearless. He rides on top of my car and I have to shoo him off. My cat is not a pussycat. He is lion-like. I have had him for 12 years and he is very loving. He sleeps on my bed at night next to me. Sometimes he lays on my stomach. My friend’s daughter named him Furball and I could never change it. Here, I will weigh him for you. He weighs 13.2 pounds. I trained him to be independent. Sometimes he dances on his back legs. He is a cool cat and he ain’t afraid of anything.
I love little birds. Such a little body mass to survive the cold. They are of the sky and the earth. I am fascinated by birds the most, and very connected to them. Birds are way deeper then we give them credit for. The big ones!
Two Sundays ago the congregation at Community of Love mentioned me and my horse, who was dying at the time. They were praying for me and really trying to connect with me and Matty. The Waldorf Free Christian Map of Advent honors the Christmas story in the manager. The first week is the Elements, the second week the Plants, the third week the Animal companions, and the fourth week the Angelic beings. It was the week of animal companions and everyone in the congregation said their favorite animal. There were some surprises, a platypus, a beaver, and dragons. Wow, who would have guessed that! Animals are our friends, companions, and family. I am truly grateful for the years I had with my beloved horse. Bless your animal friends and keep them warm this winter. Happy New Year to all!