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Picture of Marta Glover

Marta Glover

I Dare You

I Dare You – July 2024

Have You Ever Dared Take Your Dream Vacation? Who is going on vacation? Anyone you know? Are you going to visit family and friends? Has

I Dare You

I Dare You – June 2024

I Remember When ‘I remember’ almost always refers to the past. Sometimes people, places or situations can live in our memory forever. We may even

I Dare You

I Dare You – My 2024

Changes Happen I cannot write the column without mentioning May first, May Day, the Gaelic May Day festival, marking the beginning of summer and open

I Dare You

I Dare You -April 2024

Treasures of the Heart: Collections This month I thought I would hear a lot of April Fools jokes, but the people interviewed chose to speak

I Dare You

I Dare You – March 2024

With Spring Comes New Beginnings Here comes spring! New beginnings can happen with a change of place, going to college, moving away from home and

I Dare You

I Dare You – February 2024

What’s Love Got to Do with It Valentine’s Day is a reminder to express your love to someone or to do something special for love.Julia

I Dare You

I Dare You – January 2024

How Has 2023 Influenced You? Well, we got through 2023 with joy, sorrow, loss, frustration and peace. Was there an incident in your life that

I Dare You

I Dare You – December 23

The Holiday Season The holiday season is here and just beginning. At Thanksgiving and Christmas we gather with our family and friends and celebrate the

I Dare You

I Dare You – November 23

Water is… Water is life. Water is a precious resource. Water defines our quality of life and the choices we make — where we want

I Dare You

I Dare You

Have you ever dared yourself to do something while you were traveling that you would never do or think to do at home or out

I Dare You

I Dare You

This month I interviewed people about encounters they may have had with an animal in a daring situation. It did not have to be dangerous

I Dare You

Dare To Tell

This month in August, I dare you to tell me a story about a time that you dared to speak a truth that needed to

What are you Grateful For

June 2023

I dare you Perhaps there has been a moment in your lifetime when you have asked yourself, Do I want to do something different? Do

I dare you

Beautiful day outside my window. Windy but inviting like spring blossoms. People are planting and getting gardens ready to direct seed or transplant their little

What are you Grateful For

March 2023

I dare you “I dare you and thank you with gratitude and appreciation for sharing your stories.”I took a month off from writing the column,

What are you Grateful For

February 2023

What are we grateful for in February? I am grateful that we are half-way through winter with longer days. Valentine’s Day is a good time

What are you Grateful For

What are you grateful for? January 2023

New Beginnings I have been watching the little creek by my house thaw out and freeze, thaw out and freeze. Every day the ice shapes

What are you Grateful For

What are you grateful for? November 2022

Here comes November with cold clear mornings and the warm, crisp days of late fall. Gathering, gathering the last of the harvest from the fields,

What are you Grateful For

What are you grateful for? October 2022

Gratitude for WaterOur October issue is all about WATER. How do you celebrate water in your life? Do you have a story about water and

What are you Grateful For

What are you grateful for? September 2022

BACK TO SCHOOL Back to school time with routines and schedules, friends, and sports, cutting firewood and harvesting gardens and herbs, weekend camping and fishing,