Happy New Year
H is for a Hopeful Heart and a Healthy vision of our future by acknowledging those Habits that prevent us from our lasting freedom, joy, and Happiness, and releasing them.
A is for Action. What is it you wish to Accomplish in this coming year? This is a good time to make a list of all those hopes, dreams, and Aspirations. Then make a list of what it would take to Accomplish them. Are you willing to do whatever Action it takes?
P is for Peace. We are the ones responsible for the Peace in our lives by what we allow our minds to focus on. A Peaceful mind can create a Peaceful world.
P is for Prosperity. Prosperity is not only about having riches and things. Prosperity is about knowing we are Prosperous in what we already have. Perhaps that means good health, a loving family, a beautiful day, freedom, loving, giving and receiving. “The mind is a garden; what we choose to grow there will determine our prosperity.” —Yung Pueblo
Y is for Yesterday. The past is gone—that was Yesterday. Letting go of those old stories and thoughts that we repeat to ourselves that do not serve our happiness. Yesterday does not exist and when we let go of Yesterday, we make room for the new.
N is for Now. Now is where all potential for creativity, love, happiness—all life exists. Living in the here and Now is living in the eternal breath of life.
E is for Example. We all have visions of how we think the world could be a better place. The key to living in that world we Envision is to be the Example we wish for others and the world.
W is for Wisdom. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the WISDOM to know the difference.” (From the Serenity Prayer)
Y is for Yes. To face life with a big Yes. Letting go of phrases that hold us back from accomplishing our dreams and intentions. Phrases like I can’t or I won’t. Open up to the possibilities with Yes, I can or Yes, I will.
E is for Energy. Everything in our Experience is a form of Energy. This Energy is affected by the way we focus our thoughts and Emotions. It’s important to be clear about what we sincerely want in our lives and create a mind focused on positive Energy to create our desired outcome.
A is for Allowing. We are very busy beings, “thinking” we know how others should be—and how we can correct them, if only they would listen to us. Each of us is a different expression of One Living Energy Source; and in that difference we come from our own unique individual perspective. Unless I am walking in their shoes so to speak, I choose to Allow them to express their uniqueness without placing my limitations upon them.
R is for Response. In any given situation, our Response to it will determine how we feel inside, mentally, emotionally, and physically. If we can take a deep breath when in a challenging situation and take the time to Respond at the most peaceful place we can find within, then we will meet the challenge more easily.