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April 2023

SPROUTINGS is our regular feature celebrating local young people. The 5th and 6th grade students of Alta Vista teacher, Mr. John Walsh, have been our most loyal contributors!

Haiku Gardens By IDA WALSH,
Reading Interventionist at Alta Vista Intermediate School
Green ground surprises
Oh! That’s where you are this year
My gardens begin

April Fool’s Day By Gracie M
April Fool’s Day is a holiday that we celebrate with pranks and jokes on April 1. April Fool’s Day has been celebrated since 1582. A lot of people like April Fool’s Day, some other people don’t like it. People that don’t like April Fool’s Day probably get annoyed by the pranks. There’s an earthquake coming! April Fools!

Easter By Gracie M.
Easter is a holiday that we celebrate Jesus rising from the dead. This year Easter is on April 9. On Easter Sunday parents hide eggs for little kids and one big silver or gold egg with money or something big in the silver or gold fake egg. Friends and family get together and do an Easter egg hunt. Kids also have baskets or little tubs. Some people do arts and crafts. Kids also can paint hard boiled eggs
