You can help Repurposing Plastic Project innovate and expand!
We are poised to go big — both improving our Repurposing Plastic Project (RPP) and sharing our innovative technology with individuals and other communities —
We are poised to go big — both improving our Repurposing Plastic Project (RPP) and sharing our innovative technology with individuals and other communities —
Work Weekend at the Herrera Trailer Park
Apr 29 – May 2
9 am to 5 pm
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday;
9 am to noon
Monday May 2
For Repurposing Plastic to stay alive and thrive during these winter months, we need more help, more funds, and more professional builders who will buy
A New Breakthrough for the Repurposing Plastic Project: Good news from the Repurposing Plastic Project (RPP): we think we’ve found a way to scale up
Hello, volunteers! The Repurpos- ing Plastic Project team bales plastic in Questa at RPP headquarters most Friday mornings 10 am – noon. Come see our
By DANIEL HERRERA and TODD WYNWARD Daniel Herrera here, saying a warm hello. Hello!!! You all are some of my dear friends and familia. I