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September 2024

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The Human Family

A week or so ago, my husband and I were having lunch at a small restaurant, seated at an outside patio. The seating was rather close where we were, so those dining next to us were quite close as well. At one point, I dropped my napkin and the woman in the chair next to mine reached down and retrieved it for me. She had a beautiful smile as she handed me the napkin and when she did, she held on to my hand for a bit, just smiling. As we were leaving, we were walking by others having lunch at their tables. I happened to look down at one table while passing and an older man reached his hand out and touched my arm saying, “have a nice day.” These are people I have never seen before nor do I expect to see again. Their mere touch was so sincere and spoke beyond what words could ever say.

The two people in my simple story who reached out to touch me in kindness and caring have absolutely no idea of my ideals, politics, religion, and so on. It didn’t matter—it was the loving touch of the human family.

“The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are the moments when we touch one another.” —Jack Kornfield
I feel in my heart that the human family listens too much to the noise of those who have a superficial view of the populace, telling us what we need and who we need in order to have a good existence as the people of this earth. Maybe it’s time to return to the heart of what is real for us. Are we really divided by color, by religion, by politics, by personal ideals? Perhaps we create difference, and of course we appear different, but is that really separation? Or is it like the many colors and textures of a painting coming together to make a grand presentation of possibilities? away from wars, hatred, dissension and greed.
At the heart of the matter is the unity of the human family, not its destruction. It might seem that each of us as one person alone cannot make a difference in the direction of the separation that is appearing in the world, but I believe the following speaks to that in a beautiful way:

“Do not take lightly small good deeds, believing they can hardly help. For drops of water one by one fill a giant pot.” —Patrul Rinpoche

I came across some wonderful quotes from sages past and present that I want to share with you. Perhaps they may help open our hearts to see the preciousness of all things.

“The wisdom of the heart can be found in any circumstance, on any planet, round or square. It arises not through knowledge or images of perfection, or by comparison and judgment, but by seeing with the eyes of wisdom and the heart of loving attention, by touching with compassion all that exists in our world.” —Jack Kornfield.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love.” —Marcus Auralius

“Let’s trade in all our judging for appreciation. Let’s lay down our righteousness and just be together.” —Ram Dass

“You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.” —Marcus Auralius

“Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs.” —Marianne Williamson

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.” —Rumi
