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BODY MIND SPIRIT: January 2022

The Need to Grow

Photo by E. Wilde

After WWII, there was an excess of bomb-making material and nerve gas. Those bomb-making materials were repurposed and made into fertilizers. The nerve gas became pesticides. The military-industrial complex had moved into the world of agriculture.

The global worth of fertilizer is approximately $170 billion. But this use of chemicals is denaturing our soil by removing its natural biological makeup. In other words, it kills the life in the soil, where plants need to get their nutrients.

More and more chemicals are being added to food production, resulting in a food system that is toxic, causing consumers to ingest an array of toxins from these chemicals in our food, air, water, and our bodies. In fact, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), a chemical glyphosate that has been banned in California and labeled as a carcinogen, are supposed to help feed the world. They have shown no significant difference in production of food above that of natural growing processes.

The US Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency require no testing of these chemicals in our food. These toxins are an attack on the health of each and every one of us. Notably, there is a link between the industrial food system to cancer, allergies, liver and kidney damage, and a host of other conditions the citizens of this world are encountering. Thus far, we have not been able to count on our government to protect us from an industrial food system that is making us sick.

The environmental damage done each year by industrial farming is devastating. These industrial food systems are not sustainable. The soil cannot become replenished. Supporting such a system is planetary suicide. If we don’t support the sustainable farms that are working to supply us with wholesome nutritious food, grown in healthy soil, they will disappear, and we will be left with only the industrial food system and its harmful growing practices.

During WWII, 40 percent of the food produced for the country was grown in 20 million home gardens. We can do this again. Even if we don’t own land or enough land, we have the ability to grow food ourselves in very imaginative ways. Community gardens are increasing in number and are a great solution in many areas. Growing vegetables in pots in your own home, hanging PVC gardens in a sunny window; and outdoors, small portable inexpensive greenhouses are a great asset to supply food. Check out the “growing tower” online. These are very useful for limited space. (If you are interested in seeing a growing tower, we have one in our home and welcome anyone who is interested.)

Much of what you have read here is inspired by a documentary I watched recently, The Need to Grow. It is a strong reminder of the need for citizens of this planet to take action toward becoming as self-sustaining as we possibly can. Because of the industrial food industry and the decimation of healthy live soil, as well as food that is far from fresh by the time it is received in the markets, the food supply is deeply inferior to what our bodies need in order to be healthy.
Consider this for a New Year’s Resolution—talk to local farmers who offer community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs. Take advantage of the many books available on the subject as well as information online.

There is much more that could be said here about the industrial food system that inhabits the general market food shelves. For now, my hope is to inspire you to become more aware of where your food comes from, and to take any action you can to provide yourself with healthy, wholesome food.

Have a blessed and healthy 2022.
