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Can We Really Grow Younger?

Yes! Of course, the idea of growing younger is a shift for most of us because we’ve been taught that it is impossible.

Not so many decades ago, we were also taught that people couldn’t fly—
until a few forward thinkers chose not to accept the impossibility of flight. Instead, they figured out how to do it. We were taught that polio couldn’t be prevented—until Dr. Jonas Salk invented the vaccine.

Today, I and other age-reversing pioneers are shaking the roots of the prevailing belief system and figuring out how we can grow younger as we age. The first step toward making it happen is to conceive of becoming youthful. When you allow the belief that you can grow younger, you’ve taken a significant step toward making it happen.

Science is helping to move us closer to the day when the progressive deterioration of aging is a thing of the past. Many fields of discipline, including life-extension science and medicine, have jumped on the bandwagon of age reversal, so the possibility of growing younger is being examined and tested from many vantage points. Astounding advances are taking place every day in molecular biology, organ and tissue regeneration, and nanotechnology. Breakthroughs in these fields will potentially eliminate age-related illness and give us youthful skin, organs, and brains.

New scientific discoveries are revealing what many wise teachers and healers have taught for centuries: our thoughts and beliefs create our reality. Quantum physicists have found, to their complete surprise, that matter is affected by thought, a discovery that rocked the boat for the scientific community.

Scientists have since peered into the life of our trillions of cells and found that they are actually responding to the environment of our thoughts and beliefs. What we say to ourselves about who we are and how we age does matter! As Henry Ford once said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

Look around you. We’re all in this together. And we can all be proud of one thing: we’ve come this far. That means we’ve survived heartaches and car wrecks and near misses of every variety, and along the way we’ve picked up skills and insight and stories and accomplishments we might never have dreamed of, starting out. We should take a minute to pat ourselves on the back, and then we should roll up our shirtsleeves and get started living those moments that take our breath away.

I don’t know about you but I’ve got an awful lot I’ve still got to do. And Woo hoo! Taos Artist Collective (next to World Cup Coffee) is having a First Friday Opening on Friday, July 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. My artwork (as Maruska) will be featured as well as the artwork of Jessie Hook, Jan Nelson, Darryl Willison, and Vera Neel. Please come!

Ellen Wood a.k.a. Maruška
Artist, Columnist and Award-winning Author

¿Podemos Realmente Rejuvenecer?

¡Sí! Por supuesto, la idea de rejuvenecer representa un cambio de pensamiento para la mayoría de nosotros porque nos han enseñado que es imposible.
No hace muchas décadas, también nos enseñaron que las personas no podían volar —hasta que unos pocos pensadores avanzados decidieron no aceptar la imposibilidad del vuelo. En lugar de eso, averiguaron cómo hacerlo. Nos enseñaron que la polio no podía ser prevenida —hasta que el Dr. Jonas Salk inventó la vacuna. Hoy, yo y otros pioneros en la reversión de la edad, estamos cambiando de raíz el sistema de creencias predominante y averiguando cómo podemos rejuvenecer a medida que envejecemos. El primer paso para lograrlo es concebir la idea de rejuvenecer. Cuando aceptas la creencia de que puedes rejuvenecer, has dado un paso significativo para que esto suceda.

La ciencia nos está ayudando a acercarnos al día en que el deterioro progresivo del envejecimiento sea cosa del pasado. Muchas disciplinas, incluyendo la ciencia de la extensión de la vida y la medicina, se han subido al carro de la reversión de la edad, por lo que la posibilidad de rejuvenecer se está examinando desde muchos puntos de vista. Hay avances asombrosos que ocurren cada día en campos como la biología molecular, la regeneración de órganos y tejidos y la nanotecnología. Los avances en estos campos potencialmente eliminarán las enfermedades relacionadas con la edad y nos darán piel, órganos y cerebros juveniles.

Nuevos descubrimientos científicos están ahora revelando lo que muchos maestros y sanadores sabios han enseñado durante siglos: nuestros pensamientos y creencias crean nuestra realidad. Los físicos cuánticos han descubierto, para su completa sorpresa, que la materia es afectada por el pensamiento, un descubrimiento que sacudió a la comunidad científica. Los científicos desde entonces han observado la vida de nuestros trillones de células y han encontrado que en realidad responden al ambiente de nuestros pensamientos y creencias. ¡Lo que nos decimos a nosotros mismos sobre quiénes somos y cómo envejecemos sí importa! Como una vez dijo Henry Ford “Si crees que puedes o crees que no puedes, tienes razón.”

Mira a tu alrededor. Todos estamos juntos en lo mismo. Y todos podemos estar orgullosos de una cosa: hemos llegado hasta aquí. Eso significa que hemos sobrevivido a desamores y accidentes automovilísticos y sustos de todo tipo, y en el camino hemos adquirido habilidades, perspectivas, historias y logros que tal vez nunca hubiéramos soñado al inicio. Deberíamos tomarnos un minuto para felicitarnos a nosotros mismos, y luego deberíamos arremangarnos la camisa y empezar a vivir esos momentos que nos dejan sin aliento.

No sé ustedes, pero yo tengo un montón de cosas por hacer todavía. ¡Y órale! El Taos Artist Collective (que queda al lado de World Cup Coffee) tendrá una inauguración de Primer Viernes el viernes 5 de julio de 4 a 7 pm. Mis obras de arte (como Maruška) se presentarán allí, así como obras de Jessie Hook, Jan Nelson, Darryl Willison y Vera Neel. ¡Por favor, vengan!

Ellen Wood a.k.a. Maruška
Artista, columnista y autora galardonada


  • Ellen Wood, born in 1936, is a prizewinning author, columnist and former management executive. After her youngest child began school, Ellen started an in-house ad agency and won 16 awards for annual report and advertising excellence, including 4 national awards. Five years after her mother died of Alzheimer’s, Ellen experienced early symptoms (she has the gene, APO-e4). At 68 she developed a program of mind/body/spirit techniques that proved so successful, she wrote and published “Think and Grow Young,” followed by “Joy! Joy! Joy!” (now retitled “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” Volumes 1 and 2) and gave inspirational speeches. Since 2018 Ellen has been the ad agency for NorthStar Tire and Auto in Questa, NM. Ellen started painting in November of 2020, having dabbled at it in her 20s, and gave herself a new name: Maruška, her father’s middle name. She is overjoyed to be part of a big, loving, kindhearted family. You can find her paintings at www.northernnewmexicoartists.com/ellen-wood

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