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October 2024

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What’s free, releases stress and relieves pain?

Laughter. It also adds joy and zest to your life, eases anxiety and pain, and improves your mood. Same thing happens when you fall in love or enjoy a scrumptious meal.
When you laugh, your body releases hormones and chemicals that have startlingly positive effects on your mind and body. Not only that, a smile takes fewer muscles than a frown, so what could be better for your face?

When you were a kid, you used to laugh hundreds of times a day, but how often do you laugh now? Do you tend to be more serious and laugh less frequently? Sure, the news is depressing, so take a break from it, watch some funny cat videos and laugh! Or watch the Comedy Channel and allow yourself to laugh and enjoy the present moment.

Your whole body relaxes when you laugh. That’s because laughing relieves physical tension and experts say your muscles can stay relaxed for up to 45 minutes after a good, hearty laugh.
When I was a little kid I loved to sit on my mom’s fat, jiggly lap and ride the waves of her laughter. And what a wonderful ride it was! Mostly because it meant my mommy was happy and I loved to see her happy.

Laughing out loud or doing something silly or fun or spontaneous on a regular basis will make you grow younger, feel healthier, and prolong your life. Twenty years ago I had been sliding ungracefully into old age, experiencing early symptoms of Alzheimer’s, the person-snatching disease that had claimed my mother (I have the Alzheimer’s gene: APO-e4). Then one day I decided to develop a program of daily practices to reverse those symptoms and it proved so successful, I wrote two books about it and began giving talks to share my life-changing techniques. My message over these past several years has expanded from growing younger to thriving and living happy at any age.

Inside each of us is a desire to be fresh and fully alive, to have fun while loving, laughing, and feeling the joy of creating the best life possible for ourselves and others.

So, go on, get silly; laugh a lot to free that inner child. If you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with him or her. Live, Love, Laugh! It’s good for body and soul.

Ellen Wood Elected to the Board of Trustees of Millicent Rogers Museum
Columnist for Questa Del Rio News and The Taos News, Ellen Wood, has been elected to the Board of Trustees of Millicent Rogers Museum. Her column in our paper is Live Love Laugh. She is also the author of The Secret Method for Growing Younger, Volumes 1 and 2, and edited and participated in Late Bloomers: The Movement, Literary Gems by Taos Boomers in Their Prime.
Millicent Rogers Museum is a Blue Star Museum, which has received this recognition for the National Endowment for the Arts and Blue Star Families. It is a cultural institution that is working conscientiously to live up to its mission: “To Share and Celebrate the Arts and Culture of the Southwest.”

Ellen Wood of Questa is an award-winning author as well as an artist using the name Maruška.
The website for her books and paintings is https://questacreative.org/ellen-wood/. Contact Ellen at ellen@howtogrowyounger.com

¿Qué es gratis, libera el estrés y alivia el dolor?

La risa. Esta también añade alegría y vitalidad a tu vida, alivia la ansiedad y el dolor y mejora tu estado de ánimo. Lo mismo sucede cuando te enamoras o disfrutas de una comidamuy sabrosa.

Cuando ríes, tu cuerpo libera hormonas y sustancias químicas que tienen efectos positivos sorprendentes en la mente y el cuerpo. Y no solo eso, una sonrisa requiere menos músculos que un ceño fruncido, así que ¿cuál podría ser mejor para tu rostro?

Cuando eras niño, seguro que reías cientos de veces al día, pero ¿con qué frecuencia ríes ahora? ¿Tiendes a estar más serio y a reír menos frecuentemente? Claro, las noticias son deprimentes, así que tómate un descanso, mira algunos vídeos graciosos de gatos ¡y ríete! O mira el Canal de Comedias y date permiso para reír y disfrutar del momento presente.

Todo tu cuerpo se relaja cuando te ríes. Eso se debe a que la risa alivia la tensión física, y los expertos dicen que los músculos pueden permanecer relajados hasta 45 minutos después de una buena carcajada.
Cuando era una niña pequeña, me encantaba sentarme en el regazo gordo y acogedor de mi mamá y montarme en las olas de su risa. ¡Y qué paseo tan maravilloso era! Sobre todo, porque aquello significaba que mi mamá estaba feliz y a mí me encantaba verla feliz.

Reír en voz alta o hacer algo tonto, divertido o espontáneo de manera regular te ayudará a rejuvenecer, a sentirte más saludable y a prolongar tu vida. Hace veinte años, yo me deslizaba de manera poco elegante hacia la vejez, y experimentaba síntomas tempranos de Alzheimer, la enfermedad que me había arrebatado a mi madre (tengo el gen del Alzheimer: APO-e4). Entonces, un día decidí desarrollar un programa de prácticas diarias para revertir esos síntomas y resultó ser tan exitoso que escribí dos libros sobre este tema y comencé a dar charlas para compartir las técnicas que cambiaron mi vida. Mi mensaje en estos últimos años ha pasado de rejuvenecer a prosperar y vivir feliz a cualquier edad.

Dentro de cada uno de nosotros existe el deseo de sentirnos renovados y de vivir a plenitud, de divertirnos mientras amamos, reímos y sentimos la alegría de crear la mejor vida posible para nosotros y los demás.

Así que adelante, actúa a lo tonto; ríete mucho para liberar a ese niño interior. Si entre tus amistades hay alguien que te hace reír, pasa mucho, mucho tiempo con esa persona. ¡Vive, Ama, Ríe! Es bueno para el cuerpo y para el alma.

Ellen Wood de Questa es una autora galardonada y una artista que usa el nombre de Maruška. El sitio web de sus libros y pinturas es https://questacreative.org/ellen-wood/. Para ponerte en contacto con Ellen escríbele a ellen@howtogrowyounger.com
Traducción de Teresa Dovalpage

Ellen Wood Elegida para la Junta Directiva del Museo Millicent Rogers
La columnista de Questa Del Rio News y The Taos News Ellen Wood ha sido elegida para la Junta Directiva del Museo Millicent Rogers. Su columna en nuestro periódico se titula Vive Ama Ríe. También es autora de The Secret Method for Growing Younger, Volumes 1 and 2, y editó y participó en Late Bloomers: The Movement, Literary Gems by Taos Boomers in Their Prime.
El Museo Millicent Rogers es un Museo Estrella Azul, que ha recibido este reconocimiento de la Fundación Nacional para las Artes y las Familias Estrella Azul. Es una institución cultural que trabaja concienzudamente para cumplir con su misión: “Compartir y Celebrar las Artes y la Cultura del Suroeste.”


  • Ellen Wood, born in 1936, is a prizewinning author, columnist and former management executive. After her youngest child began school, Ellen started an in-house ad agency and won 16 awards for annual report and advertising excellence, including 4 national awards. Five years after her mother died of Alzheimer’s, Ellen experienced early symptoms (she has the gene, APO-e4). At 68 she developed a program of mind/body/spirit techniques that proved so successful, she wrote and published “Think and Grow Young,” followed by “Joy! Joy! Joy!” (now retitled “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” Volumes 1 and 2) and gave inspirational speeches. Since 2018 Ellen has been the ad agency for NorthStar Tire and Auto in Questa, NM. Ellen started painting in November of 2020, having dabbled at it in her 20s, and gave herself a new name: Maruška, her father’s middle name. She is overjoyed to be part of a big, loving, kindhearted family. You can find her paintings at www.northernnewmexicoartists.com/ellen-wood

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