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Meet Ernesto, Newest Addition to Questa del Rio News!


Ernesto is a Questa native who is often known through his grandfather, Flavio Cisneros, the unofficial historian for the Questa community. While Ernesto wasn’t born in New Mexico, he considers himself a lifelong New Mexican and Questeño with a strong passion for writing and discovery.

Ernesto graduated from Taos Academy in 2019. From there, he decided to pursue journalism, after being accepted into the prestigious Emerson College in Boston, MA. Ernesto decided to stay in New Mexico instead, to obtain his bachelor’s degree and pursue graduate school or law school out of state at a later time. He’s currently a junior at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM, where he’s double majoring in journalism and government, with a potential minor in social media management. His focus is on multimedia journalism and public relations.

Ernesto takes pride in his academic achievements, having been the recipient of numerous scholarships from the NMSU Department of Government, the NMSU Department of Journalism & Media Studies, and the Taos Community Foundation. He is also a third-year NMSU Crimson Scholar.

Ernesto is excited to work with us this summer to build experience that will help him in his programs in college and future career. Feel free to contact him at reporter.qedf@gmail.com or through social media.
