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Photo by Lita Mead District 5 VFW members from Cerro, Mora, Las Vegas, Clayton and Raton attended their district meeting at Post 9516 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Cerro on October 15.

Meeting of District 5 Veterans of Foreign Wars

Saturday, Oct. 15, Post 9516 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Cerro hosted a District Five meeting of that venerable organization. The meeting began with a grateful prayer for the meal about to be served and partaking of a beautifully prepared luncheon. It was followed in absolute order by the opening ceremony with the presentation of the colors, the Pledge of Allegiance and prayers as led by the District Five Chaplain.

In attendance were the State Commander for the VFW and members from all Posts of District Five including those in Cerro, Mora, Las Vegas, Clayton and Raton. As is required, there is an “Order of Business” protocol, which is strictly followed. Absolute adherence to an order of business is a military tradition and gives all who have served a sense that the dedicated mission of the VFW as an organization will be met just as missions were ordered and carried out while in service to the United States — no matter what the obstacles.

Per adherence to the Order of Business, items 10 and 11 speak to unfinished business and new business. I wish you to know, faithful readers, that the “business” and, therefore, the mission of the VFW is ongoing and will never be completed. We serve our members in good times and in times of distress, the families of our membership during times of joy and sadness, and ultimately give of ourselves to the community of mankind. Thus, we say and know that issues needing attention and people needing our help will always be there. The order of business goes forth into infinity.

Particular attention at this special District meeting focused on the hardships and tragedies arising from the fires here in northern New Mexico. As always, the citizens of this area are strong and will persevere. We will get through this natural disaster and move on to the next event requiring our prompt and dedicated attention. Just prior to the closing of the meeting we pay attention to the “Good of the Order” which has to do with what our membership can do right now to assist in the resolution of an ongoing hardship and even involves the collection of some donations for future needs. We donate with heartfelt pride in the sure knowledge that all donations and our undying efforts will go for worthy causes.

And last, the time came to close the meeting with a prayer and words of encouragement from the Commander in attendance. Upon the formal closing of the meeting, there is a time to speak casually with fellow veterans of good times and bad and those precious memories engendered by our time in the military service of the United States of America. We speak at ease and with gratitude to those who chose us to serve and recommit ourselves to our eternal duties to service.

It was a beautiful day and an honor for members of Post 9516 to host this meeting of District Five of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
