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September 2024

Questa  •  Red River  •  Cerro  •  Costilla  •  Amalia  •  Lama  •  San Cristobal

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Courtesy Photo Artist paints a portrait of St. Anthony's Church in Questa

QCC UPDATE: June 2023

First-ever Questa Quick Draw!

The Questa Creative Council is calling artists of all ages to take part in a new, fun event in our village. Saturday, June 24, artists will paint in and around Questa’s historic heart and our surrounding scenery—all on the same day, all at the same time. Customers and collectors can seek out and observe the creativity or just come for the end-of-day judging, show, and sale.

Many wonderful artists who show in Taos County will be taking part, so this is a great opportunity to find original artwork celebrating our scenic village. Youth artists are also encouraged, and should pre-register to receive FREE painting supplies! (Those under 14 years of age will need a parent or guardian present.)

Here’s the plan: Artists will gather between 8 and 9 am at the Questa Farmers Market/Questa Visitor Center site, just east of Questa’s one traffic light, for sign-in/registration, and to get their canvases (or other work surfaces) stamped to assure that the finished works are produced during the event. Only stamped surfaces will be exhibited and considered for awards and prizes. Each artist will also be given a mini-canvas to complete during the day.

With easels, supplies, snacks, and sun protection, artists will head out to destinations of their choosing and paint their hearts out, returning by 3 pm to display their works for the 3:30 to 6 pm show, judging, and sales, with a portion of sales serving as a fundraiser for the Questa Creative Council. Prizes include: Adult 1st place, $200, 2nd place, $100, and 3rd, $25; Youth 1st place, $100, 2nd place, $50, and 3rd place, $25; plus a $75 “People’s Choice” prize so bring your critical eye and personal preferences and come take part in the fun.

Artistic subjects could include Questa’s historic plaza with its restored San Antonio de Padua church, the dramatic Eagle Rock Lake, the meadows of Cabresto Canyon, or the wildflowers along the rushing Red River. If you are a good time manager, the even more dramatic scenery of the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument awaits. Any works not sold at the evening show and judging will be available for purchase the next day, Sunday, April 25, from 10 am to 2 pm, at the Questa Farmers Market.

Painters, pastel artists, and drawing enthusiasts of any level of experience are invited. What better surroundings to inspire creativity than the protected wilderness and history on display around the village of Questa? So, get ready to leave the four walls of your studio and come paint “en plein air” in the open Questa air! Or, come enjoy an open-air art show with one-of-a-kind works still on the easels.
To register or for more information, email questacreativecouncil@gmail.org with the subject line “Quick Draw.” Or phone/text Mary Jo Kelly at (575) 224-4220. Youth must pre-register for FREE supplies. If the entry fee is a barrier to joining, do call so we can help!

The Questa Quick-Draw, a planned annual event, is a project of the non-profit Questa Creative Council. The mission of the QCC is to strengthen community through arts, culture, history, and Education. Visit us at QuestaCreative.org, and on our Facebook page.

And Don’t Forget:

This summer’s Questa Art Tour will be held the weekend of August 12–13. Expect diverse works from the traditional to the modern, music, snacks, and fun; all along a 10m scenic route.
And, every Saturday, starting at 10 am, all summer, the Questa Creative Council presents the Art Market, offering original art, crafts, and collectibles. At the Farmers Market site by Questa’s Visitors Center.
