The Magic of Youthful Art
The Questa Public Library is excited to explore The Magic of Youthful Art with an opening reception Saturday, Nov. 5 from 3-5 pm. Artwork by our local school-age children and youthful local artist Diane deFremery will be on display.
This combined show of local youth and an artist who has retained her youthful approach will offer the viewer exciting, fresh, and creative ways to produce art. It might also shed light on how you, as an adult, can still retain that magic of innocence.
Not many artists can retain that pure joy of “just playing” as a child would, but there are a few. One of them is Diane deFremery.
Diane has been playing with art material for more than 70 years. She has a wealth of art knowledge. She has worked in watercolor, photography, pottery, jewelry making, printmaking, collage, acrylics, encaustic, papermaking, and doll construction. Even with strong technical skills, Diane’s work still shows a playful freshness, often only seen in youth artwork.

How does she do that? How can she keep it so lively and fresh throughout her life? I think it might be her creativity explorer attitude! If there’s an opportunity to explore a new technique or learn from another artist, Diane will always be the first one there with bright eyes and an eagerness to learn. Maybe this is what’s meant by the saying, “Be a Lifelong Learner.” In whatever medium she chooses, her work shows exploration, freshness, and magic. She suggests, “Stay playful, keep in touch with the child within. Don’t rush; stop and observe. What color might enhance your design? Where could you place a line to direct the eye? Honor your intuition. Stop and look at it in the mirror. Turn it until you are pleased with the picture. (Which side is up?).”
Two of Diane’s favorite art adventures have been papermaking and mixed-media doll construction. “I loved papermaking, and taking watercolors and cutting them in strips and weaving them into new designs.” Another favorite is making dolls. “When I worked in a silk shop for 8 years, I collected scraps and samples that I could use to make clothes for seaweed dolls,wrapping the kelp I gathered along the ocean beaches after a storm.”
Finally, a favorite activity of Diane’s is to take the old and convert it into something new and exciting. “A friend gave me a palette knife and I began covering old canvas paintings with white acrylic. It was much like frosting a cake. Then, as they dried, patterns started to emerge. Colors bled through; the unknown became the ‘Known.’ It was very rewarding. Art is what you make of it. There are always new techniques to learn, new ways of looking at things. Above all, have fun with it.”
Come to the library to see work by Diane deFremery and many of our local youth. The show, The Magic of Youthful Art, opens Nov. 5 with a small reception from 3-5 pm and will run until the end of January.
Annual Art Kit Fund Drive
Starting Nov. 15 and running until Dec. 15, the Questa Creative Council will be hosting their Annual Art Kit for Kids Fund Drive. All the proceeds will be used to purchase art materials for local youth. Children will be able to pick up free art supplies at the Questa Public Library from Dec. 19 through Dec. 23.
To help support the Art Kit Fund Drive, please go to the Questa Creative Council website, and click on the donation button. From there, select the Art Kits Fund Drive and enter the amount you wish to donate. All donations are tax deductible. https://questacreative.org/

Questa Creative Council Board member and artist: I paint the Southwest because I love the land! Being raised in the country, I have a strong tie to it. It’s a sense of deep emotions, of memory, and of history. While I am painting, I try to capture the feeling of the place, what is all around me: the smells, what I hear, and what I see – a complete picture. My abstracts represent “My Other Side.” I play with emotions through color, shapes, and energy to make playful compositions.
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