50th Reunion
Saturday, Sept 2, 2023
Monte Carlo in Questa
Dinner is from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. and dance is from 8 p.m.- midnight
$30 per person
The Questa class of 1973 reunion organizers are fervently planning their 50th reunion, but they need your help. Dee Sims (Vigil) says there has been little response from former classmates to participate in the celebration, so she and other class organizers are working to send individual letters to all 75 of the graduating classmates to ensure they know the reunion is coming up. RSVP’s are highly encouraged to ensure an accurate accounting for planning can take place. If you are a classmate or if you know someone who graduated with the class of 1973, please contact Dee Sims at (505) 289-4446 to RSVP.