The Rio Costilla mini-Studio Tour on Saturday, September 18, prevailed, with six exhibiting artists who opened their studios to the public. The day was lovely, the weather perfect, and a good time was had by all. Attendees were diverse, from Denver, Wichita, Kan- sas, Chicago, Minnesota, Wheatridge, Pueblo, CO, Texas, Albuquerque, Taos, Black Lake, and of course local environs, Red River, Costilla, Mesita, Questa, and Amalia. The total count seemed to be between 125 and 150 visitors. In Jaroso, Lynn and Jane Kircher report having around 60 visitors. Everyone followed health orders with masks, and respected the rule of only six persons in either building at a time.
1 Photo Courtesy Jim Cox: Lynn Kircher of Jaroso works on a 3-foot scale figure of the Sacred Heart of Mary. It will be digitally enlarged and cast in bronze for installation in the Omaha, NE area. Photo Courtesy Jim Cox: Jane Kircher of Jaroso discusses one of her glass pieces made of fused recycled glass. Photo by Martha Shepp: Photographer Nancy DeHererra Crochet of Costilla says it was a wonderful day for showing her artwork.
Questa Creative Council Board member and artist: Martha Shepp preaches the gospel of the power of creativity. One of her loves is to collaborate with open-minded genre-free artists like Mark Dudrow, playing life-affirming works that can’t help but spark the innate creativity of listeners like you. Her expressions also take form with words, choreography, and visual art... with ever expanding mashups of all the above.
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