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Trick or Treat

The only Goules that are doing tricks
Are the politicians showing nasty pics
Mugshots sold and flashed for kicks.

Facebook Trolls are called Boogaloo
Twitter X posts weirdos from the zoo
Fake news are Goblins that aren’t true.

If you follow the flute of a Pied Piper
Morphed into a Hooded Grim Reaper
Hell on earth is a spiral, Dante’s Keeper.

The story is hidden at the local library
The scarecrow stuffed is sitting barely
Hay bales and corn stalks seen rarely.

Halloween denotes Fall’s Harvest Time
Green chilies roasting fresh off a vine
Apple Cider hot always smells fine.

Don’t be tardy for the after school party
For a real treat be nice and not rowdy
Galletas y Dulces are rewarded proudly.

galletas y dulces
cookies and candy

—Señor Miguel
(Ghost Writer)
