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What are you grateful for? March 2022

The theme in March revolves around the Spring Equinox of March 20. In the pagan/wiccan tradition, Ostara is the Spring Equinox. March 1 is Maha Shivaratri, the Hindu festival celebrating fertility and regeneration, honoring the Gods Shiva (the male) and the goddess Shivkta (the female). This year, Mardi Gras is also March 1, a big celebration before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2, followed by 40 days of fasting or doing good to your body. March 3 is Losar, the Tibetan Lunar New Year, launching the Year of the Water Tiger. Saint Patrick’s Day is March 17, and Holi, the Hindu festival, is on March 18, the full moon, celebrating the triumph of good over evil and the changing of the seasons from winter to spring. This month I chose to interview at Roots & Wings Community School in Lama. I arrived in the classroom where six middle school students volunteered to be interviewed outside. I am grateful for the courtesy the students showed me while I visited.

The Questions: What activity or project do you like to do in the early spring? What are you grateful for this coming spring? Is there a sport you play in the spring or share with family and friends?

Aliyn (7th grade)
I am going to Tucson, Arizona with my dad and grandparents on spring break. We are first going to stay in Palm Springs to play paintball, and then go to Tucson to stay at my grandmother’s house. We plan on visiting the Slot Canyons, a five-hour drive from Tucson. I am grateful for this opportunity with my family.

Dusty (7th grade)
Spring skiing! Going to Alta in Salt Lake City with my dad and brother. Skiing makes me feel good and it’s fun to hang out with my family and friends. I look forward to the weather getting warmer to do more outside sports like hiking and biking.

Claudio (8th grade)
I am grateful to be able to go outside and be more with my dad. Springtime is a busy time. I want to make a garden with flowers and grow corn, squash, and other vegetables. Hiking is good but fishing is out, I don’t do guts or worms.

Jim (6th grade)
Usually I go dirt biking out in the mountains. I bike with family and friends in racing competitions at a track in Albuquerque. I like going fishing with my uncle in Amalia. I like to begin barbecuing, ribs, steaks, burgers, hot dogs…

Mike (6th grade)
I have a goal to help my parents out because I love them a lot. I help my dad with the plastic project to build things like benches and little sheds. I would like my dad to help me build a cross for my cat, Chloe.

Kyla (8th grade)
A lot of time looking at blooming plants, the new colors, how things come to be, how they grow. I love the feeling of spring, my favorite season, it’s calming. I am grateful for living up here in the mountains where nature is all around me. I like to hike alone and enjoy backpacking trips with my school in the spring.
