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September 2024

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Asset Based Community Development Workshop, Part II for Questa’s Future

A new year brings new opportunities, including Part II of the free Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Workshop. This convening of engaged area residents, community leaders, non-profit organizations, and any interested participants will take the outcomes from the first ABCD Workshop to the next level!

The Workshop is sponsored by a generous grant from the LOR Foundation, a longtime community partner. ABCD will be held Saturday, Jan. 14, at Living Word Ministries Fellowship Hall from 9 am to 3 pm with complimentary lunch served.

Local facilitator, Louis Jeantete of Turquoise Door Consulting in Taos, will lead the group toward achieving a structured list of actionable goals with time-stamped due dates and measurable deliverables. After a review of the outcomes from the April 2022 Workshop, Jeantete will guide the group through a series of interactive processes to identify key initiatives the group would like to focus on for community development in 2023, and ultimately fine-tune a short list of goals and action items for each key area.

Everyone from the greater Questa community in northern Taos County is invited and encouraged to attend. There is no charge, and we welcome your participation even if you did not attend the first workshop. Advance reservations are required so the proper amount of food can be ordered.

For more information and to RSVP before January 11, please email Gayle Martinez at gaylelwm@msn.com.
