“We must ponder upon these things.”
Dr. Douglas Baker
As we slide into the lazy, hazy days of summer, Venus and Mars raise a conundrum for some of us, a delightful one to ponder, something my teacher often advised. The conundrum is this: Astronomically, Mars passes through “The Beehive,” a cluster of stars in the center of the constellation of Cancer on June 1 and 2. Then Venus follows his path on June 12 and 13. They are heading toward their closest conjunction of only a little more than three degrees which happens on July 1. Look up! The symbols of Man and Woman will be clearly visible… in the constellation of Cancer.
Yet, astrologically speaking, both planets have just left the sign of Cancer and entered into the sign of Leo by the time each passes through the Beehive and then onto the dance floor in their slow dance together. Enter, the Precession of the Equinoxes which has astronomy and Western astrology a bit off balance in their dance together. Yet, it still works because mankind has been stargazing in wonder for millennia rather than stargazing through the technological advancements of today, like the telescope, only a few hundred years old. So, rather than focus on the differences, the “connections” of this dance are more delightful to ponder. Bees and the beehive are related to Cancer because of its ruling of home and the masses, masses of anything, including people. Thus, for instance Cancer rules China, which is home to one of the largest populations in the world. Yet, bees are also related to Leo because of their connection to honey, the sweetness of life which Leo rules. And Leo rules Love so this dance between the symbols of Man and Woman takes on a special sweetness when contemplated in the sign of Leo. Men and women are often a conundrum to one another, and, so, even that fits. We’ll explore the future of the Precession at another time.
Everyone: Venus is at its evening best on the 4th.
ARIES Planet: Mercury MARCH 20 – APRIL 19
Dynamic: You’ve been going on about something for a while.
Direction: Time to be succinct.
Soul Thought: You found your voice, now find the right words.
TAURUS Planet: Vulcan APRIL 19 – MAY 20
Dynamic: You may have dug yourself into a trench.
Direction: Now you may have to talk your way out of it.
Soul Thought: ” If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.” Edward Hopper.
GEMINI Planet: Venus MAY 20 – July 20
Dynamic: It‘s time to get closer to someone you’ve known for a while.
Direction: Get ready to sparkle.
Soul Thought: What does it mean to “sweeten the pot?”
CANCER Planet: Neptune July 20 – JULY 22
Dynamic: Finances could take a sweet turn.
Direction: Look for a secret stash.
Soul Thought: What turns abundance into hoarding?
LEO Planet: Sun JULY 22 – AUG 22
Dynamic: You’ve worked hard and thought long
about that project.
Direction: Time to settle into coziness.
Soul Thought: “It’s summertime and the livin’ is easy.” George Gershwin
VIRGO Planet: Moon AUG 22 – SEPT 22
Dynamic: On the 1st and the 2nd you trigger something regarding both finances and the heart.
Direction: Deal with the challenge from the heart.
Soul Thought: Then the blessing will be double blessed.
LIBRA Planet: Uranus SEPT 22 – OCT 22
Dynamic: Your heart may leap on the 25th and
cause you to choke up.
Direction: Perhaps an unexpected turn on the dance floor.
Soul Thought: Love is like that.
SCORPIO Planet: Mars OCT 22 – NOV 21
Dynamic: You have the choice to sit it out or dance.
Direction: Always.
Soul Thought: “I hope you dance!” Lee Ann Womack
SAGITTARIUS Planet: Earth NOV 21 – DEC 20
Dynamic: You took a chance and shot high.
Direction: When it lands, where are you?
Soul Thought: Focus!
CAPRICORN Planet: Saturn DEC 20 – JAN 19
Dynamic: You have a clean slate this month.
Direction: It’s a good time to ponder something imponderable.
Soul Thought: Like, “Who Am I?”
AQUARIUS Planet: Jupiter JAN 19 – FEB 18
Dynamic: A tough start to the month may influence your finances.
Direction: Know that it lightens up and look for it.
Soul Thought: What is true value?
PISCES Planet: Pluto FEB 18 – MAR 20
Dynamic: You’re doing your own dance this month,
back to where you were.
Direction: Take advantage to finish that last little
piece that wasn’t quite done.
Soul Thought: Opportunity versus Challenge.
To discover your Rising Sign, or for more information, contact Charlene R. Johnson,, or email:
Esoteric Astrology is focused on the rising sign more than the sun sign (we suggest you read both)
and provides clarity, direction and answers for those seeking a higher level of life.
Charlene R Johnson is a graduate of Claregate College, a metaphysical college in England and studied directly under teacher Dr. Douglas Baker. She offers oral readings, written reports and teaches classes in both esoteric astrology and esoteric psychology. These classes are for beginners who know nothing of astrology. Use of the glyphs in your chart are considered a form of dialogue with your Soul and a necessary tool in your spiritual toolbox. A former Taos County resident she now lives in central Florida on 6.5 acres on a beautiful lake. This property has recently been dubbed SkyDance Sanctuary and will be the site of classes and special events.
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