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Courtesy Photo Colcha Embroidery, wool on cotton by the late Daisy V. Ortega from 1976. This is Mrs. Ortega's depiction of La Iglesia- Precious Blood Church. Collection of the Sangre de Cristo Heritage Center.

Colcha Embroidery Bazaar and Holiday Market

Get an early start to your holiday shopping and support local artists! Colcha Embroidery, a folk art that dates back to the Spanish Colonial period, is being revived and has found a renaissance in San Luis and Southern Colorado. This year’s holiday market will feature Colcha embroidery and other crafts, including jewelry, handmade rosaries, woodwork, and more! Also enjoy holiday treats and live music.
Shop Friday, Dec. 2, 10 am – 4 pm at the Costilla County Economic Development Center, 401 S. Church Place in San Luis, Colo., 81152. The CCEDC is the big white building in the center of town by the bank (a.k.a. the museum).

For questions about this event please contact Marcela Pacheco at (719) 672-4237.
