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The Village of Questa is hosting a “Trunk or Treat” event Friday, Oct. 28, 2–4 pm.

The Village of Questa is hosting a “Trunk or Treat” event Friday, Oct. 28, 2–4 pm. We would like to invite all businesses and community members to participate in the event. It is free, just bring candy and/or games to give to Trick or Treaters. This is a great way to promote a business and help plan a successful Halloween event for Questa and surrounding areas. Please contact Valerie at (575) 586-0694 or (575) 741-5334.

Our Chief of Police, Ron Montez, is hard at work getting the Police Station ready to go. He is working with his unit, polishing up the equipment, and looking to hire new police officers so they can start patrolling the Village of Questa. The village is still covered by a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Taos County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of Questa signed during the Taos County Commission Meeting March 1.

The Village of Questa is currently hiring certified police officers to join the Questa Police Department. The job description and employment application is uploaded to the website: Under the government tab there is a job positions tab. For any questions please contact: Valerie Vigil Clerk/HR at (575) 586-0694 or

The Questa Independent School District and Village of Questa have partnered with SMART Sports NFL Flag to host an NFL Flag Football clinic for area youth ages 5 to 16. Several retired NFL players will be flying in that weekend to help with the event, held on Saturday, Oct. 15 at Questa High School. The event is free for those registering before Oct. 7. Please call Julie at (575) 586-0421. (For more information see Front Page Story)
