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September 2024

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Photo by Alberta Bouyer Archive photo of Kate Cisneros, Jeannie Masters, Tommy Lyles, and Mo Treadwin when Chevron donated the white truck to the food pantry.

The North Central Food Pantry Feeds the Community

The North Central Food Pantry plays an important role in helping to provide food for Questa and the surrounding communities. The pantry currently serves as many as 300 families at each of its twice-monthly distributions.

Throughout the year on Thursdays, we have loyal volunteers who give freely of their time to unload and box food that is brought to us from the Santa Fe Food Depot. Twice a month on Fridays, our volunteers help with the food distribution to our families. This year at Thanksgiving we provided turkeys to all of our families through a most generous anonymous donation.

In December, the Red River Valley Charter School delivered food to the pantry which the students had been collecting throughout the fall. Fourteen 7th and 8th grade students joined our volunteers to help pack and distribute food boxes. They were a great help and the opportunity gave them a chance to see firsthand the importance of giving to their community.

Due to the continuation of COVID-19, we still only have drive-through pick-up, and all volunteers wear masks. As a reminder, the volunteers will only load food boxes into car trunks, since we don’t want to expose our volunteers to any unnecessary health risk. To help us all stay safe, we ask all clients to wear masks and to please clean out their trunks before each distribution, to make room for the food boxes. Our first priority has been and continues to be keeping both our clients as well as our volunteers safe during this ongoing pandemic.

We sincerely appreciate donations of any amount to the pantry. The money will help provide food for many families and many children. If you’d like to donate, there are three ways to do so: By mail to North Central Food Pantry, PO Box 1076, Questa, NM 87556 On our website: ncfpquesta.com

Photo by Becca Pockrandt: Red River Valley Charter School Middle School students participate in a service learning project with the Food Pantry. The students had a great time helping the community.

In person, to one of our board members: Jeannie Masters, Kate Cisneros, Nancy Parker, Joan MacDonald, or Gaea McGahee.

If you need an emergency food box, please call either Jeannie Masters at (575) 779-9194 or Nancy Parker at (505) 699-7563. For the latest information, please see our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/questanewmexico

Thank you to Questa and surrounding communities for supporting the North Central Food Pantry.
