A Time For Reflections
Time passes and on the 12-month cycle of one year, we have once again reached the end — of a year of experiences, a year of opening to something new, a year of new understanding, a year of challenges, a year of loss, a year of gain.
“That ye love one another as I have loved you”
John, 13: 34
The last several years have brought about a division of people, a division of ideology, meeting new and old friends and finding that the power of the thinking mind and the emotions have brought out clear differences in our perceptions and attitudes and relationships.
Now we begin a new year, and the canvas of life is awaiting new expressions and actions of cause and effect which will reflect what we hold to as important and that from which we have turned away.
In this time of division of hearts, minds, and bodies there is an opportunity to remember that each of us is an expression of something more than this mortal body and that this expression is a gift that is a presence of greater knowledge and wisdom. When we choose to perceive life in this way, what could be called soul to soul, then there is no need for division, as we would sincerely allow others to follow their own path as we would be free to follow ours, without measure or criticism, but simply seeing the mystery of the unseen divine expressing itself within another.
It is very clear that those who are asleep to the pathways to a peaceful existence are choosing the opposite. This is when we can observe those that are power hungry, greedy, unkind, blaming, and shaming others and know without a doubt that they are not aware of their deeper connection to a gracious and peaceful way of being.
We have free will and free choice to guide our thoughts and direct them in such a way as to achieve good, kind and loving results. That is our own individual responsibility and choice.
Life is like a patchwork quilt. It is made up of different colors, patterns, textures, and different fabrics. All of these different parts of the quilt are joined together to create one thing, a union of parts to make a whole and in that whole, there is strength. We do not have to think alike, look alike, or feel alike, we can have sovereignty within a whole and yet we can work together for the same objective. Work together for something that would nurture us all — PEACE.
A few days ago, my sweet husband took a tumble in public and even though he had fallen, there was such beauty to it all. People we did not know, dropped what they were doing and rushed over to help. They did not ask his nationality, if he was Democrat or Republican, the “right” religion, vaxxed or unvaxxed. They saw someone in need and came running. That is who we truly are.