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Letters to the Editor: July 2022

Dear editor and readers,

It has been an honor to be this paper’s assistant editor for one year and eight months, and before that, a volunteer, helping with copy editing, distributing papers,​ ​writing, taking photos,​ ​and ​recruiting new advertisers. I have especially enjoyed smoothing out wrinkles, making copy flow more smoothly, ​helping our editor Lou McCall, ​and making everything as professional and readable as possible, as well as the diverse writings of all you contributors.

Life’s seasons change for everyone, and so also for me. June was my last issue as your assistant editor. My plans are to focus on my Questa Creative Council community contributions and pursue other artistic and musical dreams. What a pleasure to watch the growing engagement of the readership in making our community vibrant and kind.

Thank you. ​As Lou would say, “Keep up the good work!”
Martha Shepp

Dear Editor,

Many people knew Dennis Robbins, the founder of Taos Outback Pizza years ago. It’s now renamed Taos Pizza Outback. He has been a very dear and close friend of ours for many years. Dennis passed away on June 7, 2022. He had stage 4 cancer. Many people in Taos knew him from the restaurant which is now under a different owner.

He was quite a guitar player and made a one and only great CD album that we have been playing a lot more now just to hear his familiar voice. It’s so hard to believe he is not here with us. Oh, yes, he was a world traveler at one time and also an actor. In fact, we have some photos he used for auditions. He was a prolific storyteller about the events of his life, especially his worldly travels.

A song on his music album is titled “Looking for some silence in my life.” Our dear friend, I believe you have found that sweet silence you were looking for.

Much love,
Barbara Tracy

Dear Editor,

Beautiful issue [June]. I think the article on the evacuees from Mora to be especially both moving and excellent reporting. Congratulations to Dylan R. N. Crabb!

Thank you.
Elizabeth Brunazzi

Dear Editor,

I loved the feature story by Ms. Archuleta about the history of this area and the San Luis Valley. My favorite part was about how they knew when it was going to rain or snow by looking at the cloud above Ute Mountain!

I thoroughly enjoyed this piece.
Thank you!
Shera Maher
