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October 2024

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It is possible to change that negative mind chatter into positive self-talk and it will make a remarkable difference in your life. That process begins with observing your thoughts and it’s Daily Practice #1 in my mind/body/spirit self-help program that has dramatically and permanently changed my life.

Have tenderness for everything about yourself – including the parts of your personality you might wish were different. Hidden within those parts could be your greatest strengths. Love your idiosyncrasies, habits and tendencies, knowing that whatever your patterns, they were created in an attempt to fill a valid need. Honor yourself for having done your best to take care of yourself. Loving these parts of ourselves is the first step in making lasting change.

If you find it difficult to love yourself just as you are, then at least accept yourself. If it seems like a risk to love or accept yourself, buck up and take the risk, even if just for a moment. It hinges on completely accepting yourself, no matter what. Be willing to believe that the actions of loving and accepting yourself will lead to a life of more joy and fulfillment. Take the risk. Be the hero.

I have to tell you this won’t be easy. It wasn’t easy for me when I started it, and others who’ve attended my talks have also had difficulty at first. Just be persistent because there are surprising side benefits you’ll experience after doing this exercise regularly. I’ve been told by people who have practiced loving themselves, that once they could really, truly feel love for themselves, they felt a closer connection to the Divine.

They told me they felt less separated from other people and experienced much more compassion for others – and started being less judgmental. These are all beautiful side benefits that accompany a better relationship with your constant companion – yourself!

Do something good for yourself right now

  1. Write on a sticky note or index card: ILYJAYA YAM, which is the first letter of each word in I Love You Just As You Are. You Are Magnificent.
  2. Put the note near the mirror in your bathroom (or another room).
  3. When you get up in the morning and go into the bathroom, look in the mirror, look into your eyes and say: I LOVE YOU JUST AS YOU ARE. YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT.
  4. Say it twice. If you don’t believe what you’re saying, remember love is an action first, then a feeling. Just fake it until you become it.

Di TATCE EM todos los días

Es posible cambiar esa charla mental negativa por un diálogo interno positivo y conseguir una diferencia notable en tu vida. Ese proceso comienza con la observación de tus pensamientos y es la Práctica Diaria #1 en mi programa de autoayuda de mente/ cuerpo/ espíritu que ha cambiado mi vida de manera dramática y permanente.

Siente ternura por todo lo relacionado contigo —incluidas las partes de tu personalidad que desearías que fueran diferentes. Ocultas dentro de esas partes podrían estar tus mayores fortalezas. Ama tus rarezas, hábitos y tendencias, sabiendo que, cualesquiera que sean los moldes que sigues, fueron creados en un intento por satisfacer una necesidad válida. Hónrate a ti mismo por haber hecho todo lo posible para cuidarte. Amar estas partes de nosotros mismos es el primer paso para lograr un cambio duradero.
Si te cuesta trabajo amarte tal como eres, por lo menos acéptate. Si te parece un riesgo amarte o aceptarte a ti mismo, anímate y arriésgate, aunque sea solo por un momento. Es fundamental aceptarte completamente a ti mismo, pase lo que pase. Siéntete dispuesto a creer que las acciones de amarte y aceptarte a ti mismo te llevarán a una vida de más alegría y plenitud. Aviéntate. Vuélvete un héroe.
Tengo que advertirte que no va a ser fácil. No fue fácil para mí cuando comencé, y otros que han asistido a mis charlas también han tenido dificultades al principio. Tienes que ser persistente porque hay beneficios secundarios sorprendentes que experimentarás después de hacer este ejercicio con regularidad. Me lo han dicho personas que han practicado amarse a sí mismas: que una vez que realmente pudieron sentir amor por sí mismas, sintieron una conexión más cercana con lo Divino.
Me dijeron que se sentían menos separadas de otras personas y experimentaban mucha más compasión por los demás —y comenzaron a juzgarlos menos. Todos estos son magníficos beneficios secundarios que acompañan a una mejor relación con quien te acompaña constantemente: ¡tú mismo!

Haz algo bueno para ti mismo ahora

  1. Escribe en una nota adhesiva o ficha: TATCE EM, que es la primera letra de cada palabra en “Te amo tal como eres. Eres magnífico (o magnífica).”
  2. Pon la nota cerca del espejo en tu baño (o en otra habitación).
  3. Cuando te levantes por la mañana y vayas al baño, mira al espejo, mírate a los ojos y di: TE AMO TAL COMO ERES. ERES MAGNÍFICO/A.
  4. Dilo dos veces. Si no crees lo que dices, recuerda que el amor es primero una acción, luego se convierte en un sentimiento. Solo haz como si lo creyeras hasta que te lo creas de veras.

Ellen Wood de Questa es una autora galardonada y una artista que usa el nombre Maruška. El sitio web de sus libros y pinturas es www.NorthernNewMexicoArtists.com/ellen-wood. Para ponerte en contacto con Ellen, escríbele a ellen@howtogrowyounger.com.

Traducido por Teresa Dovalpage


  • Ellen Wood, born in 1936, is a prizewinning author, columnist and former management executive. After her youngest child began school, Ellen started an in-house ad agency and won 16 awards for annual report and advertising excellence, including 4 national awards. Five years after her mother died of Alzheimer’s, Ellen experienced early symptoms (she has the gene, APO-e4). At 68 she developed a program of mind/body/spirit techniques that proved so successful, she wrote and published “Think and Grow Young,” followed by “Joy! Joy! Joy!” (now retitled “The Secret Method for Growing Younger,” Volumes 1 and 2) and gave inspirational speeches. Since 2018 Ellen has been the ad agency for NorthStar Tire and Auto in Questa, NM. Ellen started painting in November of 2020, having dabbled at it in her 20s, and gave herself a new name: Maruška, her father’s middle name. She is overjoyed to be part of a big, loving, kindhearted family. You can find her paintings at www.northernnewmexicoartists.com/ellen-wood

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